29⌱ I Can't Lose You

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✭3rd Person POV✭

  "Can't this jet go any faster!" Yelled Natasha as she and everyone was huddled around Kristina's unconscious body.

  "Hold on then," warned Hank as he floored it making the jet go at its highest speed which was incredibly fast.

  "She was stupid for doing something so stupid," muttered Logan as he stared at the kid. "Everyone was out of there, why not let the damn cities explode."

  "Logan!" Exclaimed Storm slapping his chest as she glared daggers into him. "You do not say that kind of stuff, ever. Kristina did what felt right to her-"

  "She was stupid to go in there and act like a tough hero!" Wolverine yelled back. "She can die like all of you can, she could have died down there trying to do something that's impossible."

  "Guy-" tried Peter as he held his phone up trying to show everyone the current problem but no one paid attention.

  "But she did it didn't she?" Natasha interjected standing up for her fox eared and tailed friend. "I agree fully that it was stupid for Kristina to go down there trying to stop those bombs but she did it in the end and she lived, that's what matters."

  "And if she didn't?" Scott asked glancing up from where he stood in the corner. "If she didn't make it out? If those bombs did explode, then what? These people that are after her, what would they do if she died? Continue to terrorize people or would they just stop."

  "Guys-" Peter tried once more but was ignored again.

  "Everyone needs to calm down," said Steve as he stared at everyone but gave a pointed look towards Logan. "We can all agree that what Kris did was beyond reckless but what's done is done and we can't do anything about it."

  "You aren't one to talk," Iceman interrupts. "Aren't you her boyfriend? If anyone could have tried to talk her out it should have been you, shouldn't it?"

  "I tried-"

  "You tried!?" Fumed Logan as he took a step closer towards the patriotic man. "You didn't even talk to her! The only time you talked to her was to hear her report in, if anything Hank was the one to suggest to get someone to go in there and take her out."

"How about you calm down," Natasha warned staring at Logan emotionless.

"Can we all talk about how Kitty didn't do anything?" Tony pointed out pointing towards the girl as she quietly sat on a chair. "She was with Kris after all."

"You are not bringing Kitty into this," sneered Iceman as he stood in front of his love. "If you don't remember correctly Kristina used her compulsion to make sure that Kitty got out of the sewers just how she used her compulsion to make sure none of use could go in and get her."

"Guys-" Peter tried once more to only hear all the heroes starting to argue with each other. The only person who didn't argue was Wade, the merc with a mouth stood idly beside Spider-Man watching how everyone was getting at each other's throats. "Guys!" Still no one paid attention to the young college boy, only Wade.

"What's up with you?" Deadpool asked glancing over towards the younger hero.

"A bombing just occurred at Washington DC, I want to tell everyone but they keep ignoring me." Wade nodded his head then turned to look over at the arguing heroes, all seemed to look like they were getting ready to fight each other.

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