Chapter 1

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Here we are again in science the stupid frog of a teacher paired me up with that stupid twit Alfred again. We are supposed to be finding out how to use radio active waves to better our earth, but of course he is stuck over there talking with all the other popular kids not even making an effort to help me.

Alfred laughed loudly as Antonio cracked a tomato joke. He didn't bother listening to the lesson, too invested in his conversation with his friends."Dude you're way funny!" He laughed, slapping the Spaniard on the back and nearly knocking him off the desk.

Look at him! He is not even listening to the teacher."Hey Are you gonna get over here and help me or stand there laughing like and idiot" I say trying not to sound 'to' rude to him.

The American snapped out of his small bubble and looked around the room, noticing the green eyed boy from across the room and smiled."Uh, yea I'll go over in a bit, lemme grab my things!" He exclaimed, not noticing Gilbert's gaze of disapproval."You're seriously going to do the work? Unawesome!" He huffed."Good guys help other dudes, Gil! That's like superhero code!" Alfred huffed, already walking towards the grumpy Englishman. Gilbert just rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, finally" I mumble to myself as he makes his way over to me."That's like superhero code!" I hear him say talking to the albino named Gilbert. Why does he think he is some kind of hero. I mean sure it gives him self confidence,and makes him get all the girls and it doesn't help he has those big ocean blue eyes that sparkle in the....... Hold on that's not the point.

Alfred hummed a simple tune as he moved a (rather light) desk to face Arthur's own."Hey dude, so...what's the project about?" Al laughed nervously, "I was too busy being uh...being cool, yea being cool to pay attention."The American rambled, knowing that he was probably bothering the other to the ends of the earth and back. Shit. Why did Arthur have to be so smart?

"Well if you were paying attention you would know we are supposed to be finding out how to use radio active waves to better our earth" I said matter-o-factually. I know this kid is not dumb though it seems like it sometimes I know he isn't.

Alfred groaned."Doesn't radio active stuff cause like those weird mutations for humans? And aren't they in microwaves?" He took out a pen and pencil.Why was this going to be important in life again?!School is useless!

I face-palmed at the stupidity of what the stupid American just asked. Really is he that stupid. "Yes you can find Radio waves in microwaves and yes it can cause mutations but it is not like we are going to be touching the stuff. It is to dangerous. Furthermore it can be used for way more like medications and surgery for some people depending on their case." I say picking up my note book.

"I guess..." Alfred hummed, "I guess they can also be used as an energy replacement? Considering how powerful they are...though I guess it wouldn't be actually useful since we have other methods of doing so..." Alfred hummed, lazily writing his name on the corner of the page. "But whatever dude yours sounds cooler, we should go with that! Like go on details and stuff!"

I stand there stunned for a minute with my mouth hanging open. What the fuck, when did he start paying attention in class. Regaining my poster i say "Well i will just have to text you the details. Class is almost over anyway."

He noticed Arthur's staring and smiled brightly when he spoke again. "We can meet up if it's cooler?'s my number anyways." Alfred said quickly, ripping out a piece of the empty paper he was going to turn in and scribbled his number quickly on the top, handing it to the other."Call me... I mean text me, I mean—" Alfred rambled, jumping just a bit as the bell rang. "Well bye, Artie!" He chirped, quickly grabbing his sports bag and nearly empty backpack.

"Bye" I said waving at the now empty doorway. Snapping out of my daze I realized the bell had rang. I grabbed my heavy book bag and darted out the door.

The American smiled brightly as he exited the room, headed to the weight room and finding himself with Matthias, a Danish friend of his and his spotter."Why are you so happy?" The older blond laughed. Alfred shook his head and smiled even wider."None of your beeswax, bro."

I made my way down the hall to my next class. Math. When I got there I sat next to my friend Matthew and took out my math notebook trying not to let him see the blush growing on my face. "Arthur are you ok, your face is all red are you sick" he asks putting his hand on my forehead. "no im not sick you twit" I say turning my head to hide my face.

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