Chapter 5

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I was on my way home now. All i could think about was the fact that i got invited to a party and what time it will be at.

Al unlocked his door and walked into the house, leaving his backpack by the living room couch as he flopped onto it, exhausted from the school day and officially done with life. Pulling out his vibrating phone from his back pocket, he looked to see a text from Gilbert that read the time and place the party was going to be held at. "Rad." Alfred hummed when he realized that it was going to be at Gilbert's house. He had the best booze.

Exhausted from school and the walk home i instantly fell on my couch when I got home. "God what a long day." I flipped the TV on and surfed the channels trying to find something good finally giving up turning it off and taking a nap.

"Thank god it's Friday." Al whooped, shooting a text back at the albino, Alfred started a new one to send to Arthur. 'Parties at eight, tomorrow, meet me at my place?'

Right before i fell completely asleep my phone went off. "JESUS CHRIST WHY!" I shout picking up the phone. Oh it's from Al. Ok so i guess i will go to the party though im not to fond of Gil. 'OK see you then!!!' I text back setting my phone down and trying once again to go to sleep.

After reading the text, Alfred smiled and responded with quick fingers 'wear something pretty ;)' and laughed, dropping his phone on the couch before heading to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

My phone went off again and i quickly blushed reading it. I sat up and typed 'If it pleases the burger lover your highness.' I realize im not going to do much sleeping so i go to the kitchen and get something to eat setting my phone on the table.

Biting the sand which he had just made, the American flopped on the couch. Seeing his beeping phone on the other side of the couch, he leaned forward and unlocked it. Smiling at his head, he chuckled and tried to calm his pink cheeks.

I grabbed my phone and wen't and sat back on the couch after warming up a piece of pizza. I set my food on the coffee table and text 'Do you want to hang out tonight or something?'

'Sure!' The American texted back a little too quickly. 'Wanna come over? Or would you prefer me going over?'

'I will come over if you don't mind what is your address?' I watch my phone as the ~Al is typing~ sign pops up, me just realizing that I've never been to his house. 'Oh yeah, I'm almost done with the power point we were assigned.' I press send and set my phone down waiting for a reply.

'You can finish it over here!' Alfred quickly typed out, 'I live on 213 E. Lipton Lane.'

'Ok be over in a few' I typed my last sentence grabbed my laptop and ran out the door locking it behind me.

Alfred quickly typed out 'see Ya' and quickly ran upstairs to change out of his clothes, looking for the perfect outfit.

I walked until i was finally at his street. I walked up the steps to his house and rang the door bell waiting for someone to answer.

Quickly jumping down the stairs two by two, the American quickly ran up to the door and willed his breath to even out before opening it with a wide grin. "Hey, Artie!"

"Hi Al how are you." I try not to jump when the door suddenly flew open my head shooting up to look at the American and flashing him a smile.

"I'm good I'm good, come on in!" Alfred chirped, moving out of the way so that the older boy could enter.

"Thanks." I quickly made my way into his house stunned at how big and beautiful it was. It was definitely better than my house. I was just left in a daze staring at the delightful furnishing.

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