Chapter Eight : Mischief Night

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With waking up at twelve, groaning and rubbing my sleepy eyes, I got up from my bed and opened up the door to see Scott still up. He looks up at me and lightly smiles. "Hey, Kit-Kat."

"Hey, Scottlies," I smiled, walking into his doorway. "Crazy day, huh?"

"Tell me about it," Scott nodded his head. "You . . . okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Kit," he narrowed his eyes in on me. "I'm sorry."

My head tilted at him, confusion wearing on my face. "For what?"

"For getting into danger's way, a lot. I mean, first it was Peter and being the Alpha, Jackson and him being the Kanima, Jennifer and being the Darach, Deucalion and his pack of Alphas and now, it was coyote Malia." Scott then sighed. "I'm just sorry for the danger that followed me when I got turned."

"Don't sweat it," a smile plastered on my face. "Half of it was my fault, I always try to help and end up getting into the trouble in the first place. I just guess it's because everyone is something and I'm . . . well, I'm nothing."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean by noth-"

"You know exactly what I mean, Scott," my eyes rested on him. "I'm not like Lydia, I'm not a Banshee. I'm not like Isaac or Derek or Ethan, Aiden, Cora, or even like you; I'm not a werewolf. Hell, I'm not even a werecoyote like Malia. I'm human but I'm not a human like Allison or Stiles; Allison is hunter, okay, she can fight, she's good with the bow and arrow. Then Stiles, he's smart, he always has a plan and they're good plans, too. I'm nothing; I can't fight, I mean, I can try but I won't be good at it. I don't have plans; I don't think and do, I do then think." I paused then continued. "To everyone I'm known as Scott's little sister, the one that always becomes the damsel in distress."

"Kit, there's nothing wrong with that." Scott whispered.

"There is! I wanna be a fighter, I wanna be strong and not weak, I don't want help when I'm in danger. Scott, I'm branded human. Just human. Stiles earned the title of the Detective and Allison earned the Hunter, and yet, I'm still the Human." I then frowned, glancing down to the floor. "For once, I just wanna be something else."

Just then Scott's phone started ringing and Stiles's name flashes across the screen, he then picks it up, answering it and I can hear Stiles's voice. "Dude, come on down to the school. You know what this calls for."

"No," Scott shook his head.

"Get your ass down here now." Stiles orders. "We have a job to do. Okay? You, me, and Kit."

Scott sighs. "Dude, I'm already in bed. And Kit's going to bed." He then shot me a look. "And aren't we getting a little old for this?"

"We do this for Coach."

"I thought we did this to Coach." Scott re-corrected him.

"Whatever, okay? You know he needs this. He lives for this stuff. He loves it." Stiles retorted over the line.

A light smile then appears on my face. "Scott, we should. And in the makings, we could scare Stiles."

Scott then grinned, nodding at me and slowly got up from the bed. "But it's the middle of the night." He then lowered his phone, whispering at me to get on his back as his eyes glow red. With a nod, I jump on his back and we started down the stairs, walking out the door and he ran us to the school with his incredible wolf speed.

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