Chapter Fourteen : Silverfinger

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The Hospital was quiet for some time until I came to my senses and woke up yawning, looking over at Stiles to see him still sleeping and snoozing away. With a light smile, there's a knock on the door and it slowly opens revealing Mom's head popping in. "Kit, come on. Time to go and get ready." I nod, standing up and take another look at Stiles. "He'll be fine. I'll bring you back once tonight's over and done with." 

"Okay." I whispered and looked at her, walking out and closing the door behind me. 

We pulled up in the drive way seeing another car out front and I instantly noticed it as Dad's car, a frown plastered on my face in an instant. Mom and I get out, heading on inside and once we reached the door, I could hear Dad talking. "I'm your father."

Scott then bickers. "No, you're a gene donor. I got my hair color from you. And that's all I got." Mom finally opened the door and I walk in to see Scott and Kira standing besides each other staring at Dad whose back was to me. "So you're not allowed to play tough dad with me."

"Hey, what's going on?" Mom walked up besides me as Dad turned to glance at us then back at Scott and Kira.

"Maybe one of you should explain."

Just then the lighting goes down singling night time and there's the sound of harsh fluttering, I glanced over to see the black figures from the rave party appearing in the living room from out of nowhere. "Who the hell is this?" Dad started walking over to the figure.

"Dad, no!" Scott looks at him, following in his footsteps. "Dad, wait." Once he stops another figure appears behind him and stabs him with the ninjato through the left shoulder. Kira lets out a shriek and we all go stiff as he falls to the ground. "Dad!"

Mom and Scott run over to him, ushering him and Scott glares at the figure. I stood back with Kira seeing Dad potentially bleeding out all over the floor. Randomly, the front door flies open and stayed like that for a few seconds until someone comes sliding in and stops themselves at the wall. They glance up with blue wolf eyes, fangs, pointy ears and hairy chops. It was Derek. 

He let out a growl and attacked a figure, Scott's eyes then glow red, sprouting claws, fangs, and his own hairy chops. He lets out a even louder roar then Derek and starts fighting the figure that stabbed Dad.  

Mom pulled Dad into another room away from the fighting and I just watch as everything gets turned upside down so quickly. "Mom, the ash!" Scott yells ducking under the figure's ninjato. "You too, Kit! The ash!"

I nodded turning to Kira to see another figure materializing behind her, peering at her. "Kira!" I shout and pushed her behind my body, sheltering her. 

The figure snarls at me and a loud crash signals shattering glass everywhere on the floor and some shards rained on Kira and me. The figure and us turn to see the twins crouching, slowly looking up at the figure and growling, showing their fangs and roared. My feet stumble back moving Kira away from the soon-to-be fight with the twins and the figure, I then dash over to where Mom was, getting the tubes of ash. 

"Mom, here!" She glanced up at me seeing that I held out my hands to grab the tube, she nodded then underhanded the tube to me.

Once I caught it in my grasp, Scott yelled. "Kit, now!" He then pushed the figure outside. "Do it now!" My eyes look over to see the twins pushing their figure out through the door, breaking it and I see Derek pushing one out forcibly. I ran right on over toward Derek and the door frame to outside, the figure goes to walk in but my body side slammed into it, making it lose it's balance. My hand raises and throws down the tube, breaking it and the mountain ash lines up across the boards that Deaton gave us in case of emergencies. 

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