Alison's face

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Trevor paused before taking another bite of his apple and walking towards the catacomb. When the doors opened; inside was dark. Statues of armor stood in between the walls. He glared before making his way through a hole in a wall, landing him in a separate room.

    Trevor picked up a wooden torch and smelled it. It smelt like fresh oil.. He took out a knife and scratched the stone tile above the wooden torch, immediately causing the wooden torch to catch fire. "Anybody home?" He called out lazily. "Alison?" He called out again.

    Why was he even there again? Oh right, the Speakers. He almost forgot about them for a second there. He knocked on a metal pipe, it's clang echoed throughout the surrounding area. "Why's it warm? That's weird.." He muttered. He jumped back when he heard a rustle disturb the silence.

    Trevor glared and pulled out his sword, walking towards the source of the sound. "I can hear you.." Trevor warned. "Alison, if that was you, I'd come on out," He carefully walked down a flight of stairs, "I'm armed and most definitely a lot less happy than you are.."

    While walking down the stairs, he failed to see the gaping hole after the final step and started falling. "Woah, not cool!" He landed on a pile of rubble on his back.

    "Unh!" He grunted in pain as he got up, only stopping when he saw a faint silhouette that looked like Alison. As he got closer, he ignored all the lights that turned on with every step he made until he got close to the statue.

    The statue looked exactly like Alison because it was her.

    He clanged his sword against the stone figure, already expecting it bounce back to him. "Either someone left a statue of a replicated girl that seems to loathe my presence around her here, or..." He took note of the knife she had in her hand and narrowed his eyes. He took out his knife and compared it to his. It's an exact match. What is she doing with a Belmont's knife?

    There were heavy footsteps that snapped him out of his thoughts. The footsteps being so heavy, they cracked the walls. "Cyclops.." Trevor breathed out with wide eyes. He jumped out of the way before it could turn him into stone as well. This girl is so lucky he tagged along or she'd be stuck as a statute forever. He hid behind a stone pole.

    "Stone-eye Cyclops, sleeping soldier. Totally the same thing.." He huffed out of breath. "God takes a dump in my dinner once again." He ran to another stone with haste, sweat dripping down his face already.  "Right out of the family bestiary too.."

    The Cyclops picks Trevor up by his head and throws him at another stone pole, breaking chips of it off. Trevor ran to another pole before getting turned to stone and threw a knife at it, hitting the Cyclops right in the chest. It stared at the knife indifferently.

    "Oh come on. You're dead! Stop and notice you're dead.." He hid behind another stone pole, part of his coat at the bottom was torn into a hole. He took out his whip and tugged on the sword before jumping and kicking it into the Cyclops' eye. It dropped, falling forwards.

    He looked towards Alison, quick enough on his feet to catch her. Due to Alison being tilted at such an angle, her hood fell off of her face, revealing tired hazel eyes, a round face, slightly tan skin, and blond/ white pristine hair. Her full peach lips caught his attention the most until he realized she passed out.

    "This makes it much easier. No argument about staying is my free ticket out of this hut. She better thank me later." Trevor grunted, picking her up with ease. Her head swung to the fur on his coat in a rest. He glanced at her one more time before walking back to the speaker's place.

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