chapter 1: big brother yakko

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January 2nd, 2008

Mary you need to stop! Screamed slakko warner. I love you but you are hurting the kids and me when you do stuff like this. He said to his drunk wife. You just dont get it do ya! Mary screamed with a bottle raised at him. You just cant leave me alone. You giant cunt. Mary what are you doing slakko asked as she moved closer towards him with the bottle. Something i should have done a long time ago! Mary tried to hit slakko with the bottle but he grabbed it out of her hand and punched her in the head, knocking her unconscious. Yakko awoke to the noise. Dad yakko asked. What are you doing? Why is mom on the floor and why do you have a bottle? Slakko replied your mother tried to hit me. She could have killed me. Why are you out of bed yakko. I heard all the noise. Slakko replied im sorry son, go back to bed. By this time wakko awoke and came out to see what was happening. Whats going on yakko? Wakko asked with big eyes. Why is mom on the floor? Is she dead? He asked with tears in his eyes. No wakko shes not dead but she tried to hurt dad. Yakko getting a good look at wakko who was wearing nothing but a shirt and his pull up diaper. Getting a whiff of wakkos diaper, yakko brought wakko into his room to change his diaper. Woah wakko. That was the smelliest one in a long time. Yeah im sorry yakko i cant help it im only 3.Yakko replied i know you cant. Lets get you to bed. Yakko tucked in wakko and left to go back to bed. (btw yakko is 6)

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