Chapter 20-Prank War Week

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(Toby's POV) Every year,we McDonough boys devote 1 week to a little event....called the prank wars. the objective of the whole week,is to prank as many people as possible without getting pranked back. Right now,i'm teamed up with Kayla. My plan is that,the two of us will prank everyone else...and then when it comes down to the finally two,I'll graciously bow down. our plan of attack is to strike Braiden & Thomas first,Connor,& then lastly Riley.the older guys will be too easy to prank,it's more Riley that concerns me."Hi Baby! ready for Prank Week?"I ask Kay,as she walks in the back room.

"hey babe! not really."she says,kissing my cheek."Oh,come on..babe! it's going to be so much fun!"I say,kissing her neck."remind me,why is it that you guys do...this again?"she says,laughing."because it's a McDonough brothers tradition."I state."well,it's a super lousy one at that! prank week?!"she says,smirking."Lousy?! I'll have you know,that this tradition was the genius idea of yours truly!"I say,offended.this girl just loves to Insult me! "Oh,sorry babe! :P"she says,sticking her tongue out at me.I pull her down on the couch & start to tickle her. "aah,stop Toby!"she yells."never!!"I yell,flipping her over.she looks into my eyes & bites her lips. I lean down & kiss her. the kiss soon turns into a heated make-out session.

"hey Toby,Kayla! we've got to go to radio Disney & do an interview!"Connor yells.we continue to kiss,when suddenly the door opens."Holy,whoa! um,guys...we have to go,like now!"Connor says,quickly fleeing the room.we pull apart & burst out laughing."maybe we should,go now.'Kay says,biting her lip.I quickly lean in & Kiss her. she smiles & pulls me up off the couch.we walk out to the front room & hear laughter."finally,you two love birds show up!"Riley yells,patting me on the back."where were you guys,this whole time?!"Thomas says,anxiously."those two were in the back room,making out on the couch!"Connor yells,disgustedly."well,we've got to go do an interview at radio Disney...right now! let's go!"Thomas says,slipping on his shoes.we drive in the limo,to radio Disney's studio.

as we pull up to the studio,i notice a mass of exiters stampede over towards the limo."Riley,I love you!"a girl yells.we get out & the girls rush to us.I pull Kayla closer,& wrap my arm around her waist."hey,i'm Maddie! one of the radio Disney dj's. you guys must be Connor,Riley & Toby from Before You Exit."a girl says."yep,I'm Connor! this is our band-mates,Thomas and Braiden."Connor says,gesturing to them."Nice to meet you guys! oh,and who is this beautiful girl?"Maddie asks.I smile & look down at Kay,"This is McKayla Woods,Braiden's younger sister...and my girlfriend." "awe,she's your girlfriend?! well,she seems like a really sweet girl."Maddie says.

we all head into the studio.what they guys don't know,is that maddie & the other radio Disney dj's are in on a giant prank.the other boys are in for a BIG surprise.the interview started out like a normal,boring,old interview....but towards the end of it,is when the real fun started to begin."well,now we have a super fun...little game to play with you guys."Ernie says,excitedly."do you guys wanna play?"Maddie asks."Yeah,,we're down."Riley says,looking at each of us.they ask us to put on blind folds.Riley & the other boys put on the blind folds,but me & Kayla didn't put ours on.we led the boys into another studio,one where the fans can see all of us."Okay,are you guys ready to  play the game?"maddie says,smirking."Let's do this thing!"Riley yells.we bring in some silly string & other things.

me,Kayla,Jake & some fans start throwing water balloons & such at the guys. the fans outside the studio start to laugh & the end of the week,me & Kayla are the last two people left in the prank war.we successfully managed to prank Riley at radio Disney,& then connor & Thomas at Starbucks.Braiden was a little hard to prank.we pranked him,by hiding a device that makes beeping sounds,in his was really funny to see him go,me & Kayla have to prank each other.see,i'm just going to let her prank me."hey Baby! i made you a pie!"Kay says,sitting on my lap & Kissing my neck.

"Oh,thanks babe! you're the best!"I say,sitting down in the kitchen.she hands me the fork & i dig in.all of a sudden,a toy clown pops out at me."and the winner of prank wars week is Kayla Elise woods!"she says,smirking.'oh,ya got me...babe!"I say,laughing."Ooh,chocolate mousse pie."Connor says.he walks over & sees the town clown sticking out."awe man,Kayla won the prank wars...didn't she?!"Riley suddenly yells out,in frustration."yep,i'm the winner.i have officially won the prank wars!"Kay says,smirking."well,congrats Kay. You sure are one cunning,evil girl."Thomas says,patting Kay on the back."uh,thank you??!"she says,unsure.

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