Chapter 9

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Authors note: SOOOO.... Did you guise like the last few chapters??? I hope one really comments lol. Anyways I felt like sharing the love and writing more for you guise beause you absolutely deserve and can I just say, DONT MESSAGE ME HATE! Really, you're going to come all the way to Australia to stab me because I didn't update? No sweetie, just no. On a lighter note.....I hope you enjoy this chappie<3



Rachels POV

Oh wow, the One direction boys were absolute sweet hearts and LOUIS TOMLINSON SPOKE TO ME! Swoon. Okay Rach, keep it together, he is just a regular guy, who likes regular things and-oh who am I kidding I just met my idol!

I sat in the changing rooms, waiting for leo to come back and pick out a dress for me to wear. I heard him come through and couldn't help but laugh as I saw him with Alex thrown over his back. Oh no, her hair! no wonder Leo looked flustered and bothered. I let out a slight giggle.

"Rachel! That better not be directed at me!" Alexis said annoyed, while glaring at me through the mirror. I wiped my smile away and looked at her seriously.

"No of course not Alex!" I tried my best at keeping the giggles away but her face! I went to thinking about Louis' and Is conversation.

"Hey cutie. Whats your name?"

"Hey Lou, I'm Rachel" I said as i extended my arm out for a handshake. Louis looked at my hand before batting it away and pulling me in for one of his bear hugs. i swear my breathing stopped, my heart sped up and blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Oh look! Youre blushing, thats so adorable!" Lou commented. I only blushed more. ugh! dont look like a beetroot, please Rach, don't do that to yourself.

Our conversation for the next half hour had me in stiches. This boy was just an absolute laugh! I couldn't believe he got me to be confident and smiley! I normally shy away and keep quiet. Suppose thats what happens when you put the quietest person with, possibly, the loudest.

"I guess I'll see you on the runway" Louis said, hugging me and wishing me luck.

"Yep! See you then and thank you!" I replied before rushing off to the dressing rooms.

Leo had this long black gown dress for me. It hugged me in all the right places, and If I had to say so myself, I looked flawless and perfect. Okay Rach, Don't let this get to your head! It had an intricate pattern on the backing, which meant I couldn't wear a bra with it. Trust them to make the most shy one wear something and sexy. Oh no, there I go, I just managed to make myself blush. Ugh!

"Now young lady! No more running around like a lunatic. Stay in here and put this dress on. Stat!" Leo said after he was done with Alexis' hair and make up. Alexis really is beautiful, so were JJ, Skye and Amber. i wonder what they're doing....

Right at that moment, Skye and Amber came tumbling through with dresses on while they pouted in the air and looked every bit the fashionistas they were. I looked at them adoringly. Skye had a sky blue long gown on that hugged her. It was silky and had beading acros the top of the strapless dress. In Skyes hand she held a blue and purple feathered fan and I couldn't help but marvel at her. Amber had on a fiery orange long gown. It had a silhouette backing which meant, she also, had no bra. It didn't matter though, Amber could pull off anything! It hugged her waist perfectly and it flowed like tendrils around the lower legs. The shoes were a glossy orange and I wanted them immediately. I had the most beautiful best friends ever. i wished I had looks like that, I mean< I know they say I look like Elanor but I couldn't really see it. Elanor was flawlessly beautiful while I was just plain ol Rachel. I sighed as JJ entered the room in a gorgeous red gown. It hugged her perfectly and had a slit down one of the sides showcasing her sporty but fine leg. It was a one shoulder strap and while many people can't pull off those dresses, she most definitely did. Wow.

"Rach! Stand Up! You look stunning babe!" JJ said as she twirled me around and around. Oh no, I could feel the blush creeping up again. Go away! Ugh.

"JJ, I'm going to be sick!" I squealed. Leo, upon hearing that, ran over and picked me up, making JJ let go off me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Nononononono! No being sick ON or IN this dress. You girls look marvelous by the way! As for you Miss Alexis, change into this, quick" Leo said bustling Alex off into a changing room. I heard her gasp and me and the girls went over to see it.

"Come out come out wherever you are" I said in a sing song voice. The girls laughed and stared at me shocked. I shrugged and looked back at the curtain hiding Alexis.

"Looks like Lou made a good impression on out widdle wachel!" JJ said in a baby voice. i swatted her away and laughed as we heard Alexis pipe up.

"I'm not coming out, it feels funny, I like it, actually LOVE it but yeah!"

Leo walked into her changing room and I heard her let out little yelps every now and then. Finally both Leo and Alex came out. Its was STUNNING! Alex had on a silk wite dress that had to be tied up on both sides, it hugged her in all the right places. it was a strapless perfection. It also had a peacock feathered desing that stuck to the dress with bamboo sticks that trailed behind her.

"I put it on the wrong way haha" Alex giggled shyly as she spun around for us, "You like it?" she asked us all.

It's beautiful!" I gushed.

"Amazing babe!" Skye said.

"Absolutely stunning babe!" Amber chirped.

"NO" was all JJ said.

We all stared at JJ as she up turned her head. I laughed slightly at Alex and Leos faces. JJ didn't like the dress and when JJ doesn't like something, there is NO changing her mind about it. She becomes all sarcastic and bitchy but it was nice bitchy. Kind of.

"Whats wrong with it!" Leo and Alex said at the same time, high fiving each other, before glaring back at JJ.

"Oh no, its lovely, seriosuly, I could just, you know, oh, USE IT AS A DISH CLOTH WITH RANDOM UGLY FEATHERS AND USE THE STICKS AS A POLE HOLDER!" JJ replied. See there goes the sarcasm slash bitchiness. Oh no, this was going to get really ugly, really fast.

"I like it! It's pretty!" Alex gushed, crossing her arms and frowning.

"No, it ugly, just plai ugly. YOU have no fashion sense" JJ replied frowning back.

Well I suppose I shuld take JJ away now before she tries to pull it off-too late. JJ strode up and pulled one of the string ties on the side of Alexs' dress fell off. So I guess they shuld make bras that are strapless and doesn't reveal at the back. The girls and I covered our eyes as Leo quickly fastened it back up. Ah well, here goes, the battle of the bitches is about to begin.

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