Again- Tom

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"It's Tom, Tom Holland," Tom offered, confused. At this point almost everyone recognized him, which is why he had to sneak away to an obscure bar on a Tuesday night. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to meet her here, though. Just like in year eleven his face began to burn. He pulled at his shirt collar hoping to get some fresh air to cool down.

"I'm sorry I don't know a Tom Holland," Sara said before taking her drink and thanking the bartender. Tom expected her to leave, but she hovered. He could let slide not recognizing him from school, but had she really not seen Spiderman yet with how obsessed she was?

In any case, this was his chance. He could start all over again. She was as gorgeous as ever with her dark hair falling in bouncy waves, her perfectly tight body, plump in all the right places, and his favorite attribute, her playful accent mixed between American and Puerto Rican.

Tom had a split second to make a life changing decision. He wasn't sure if he should play the celebrity card, though he still hated calling himself that, or the old school mate card.

At that moment Tom realized he was staring at her chest. "Oh! I, um, I didn't mean, erm, we went to school together in year eleven. Not surprised you don't remember me." His face grew even hotter, if that was possible.

"I'm surprised you remember me," Sara said, slipping down onto a stool nonchalantly. "Did I do something memorable?" She leaned forward and tilted her head inquisitively.

For the first time in years, Tom could not find any words. It was as if all the air was sucked out of the building leaving him floating there, helpless.

"Well..." Sara was still staring at him, obviously losing interest. She glanced back at her friend. This was it. Tom knew this was the chance he had been waiting on for five years. He could not mess it up.

"Fuck me!" he shouted before immediately banging his head on the bar. Death rose to meet him, bubbling all the way up through his stomach and throat just before-

"Okay," Sara shrugged.

"What?" Tom's head shot up.


"Oh," he sighed.

"I'm confused," Sara said, her perfect eyebrows knitting together, and Tom thought all hope was lost until he noticed the slight smirk mixed with her frown.

"Okay, sorry, shit start. Anyway, I was the sexy theater nerd at The Brit School. Played lead in the production that Fall." Tom winked, starting to feel more like himself. "I remember you because you always had a comic in your hand, preferably a Spiderman one..." Tom let his last words hang in the air. If she knew anything it would have definitely been brought to mind.

"Oh! Yeah, I seem to remember a dorky theater nerd!" Sara said, leaning in again.

"Well, I said sexy, not, um, not dorky. Think you misheard me," Tom stuttered, deciding this conversation was doomed. Sara had such a way of bring up everything he hated about himself, and something else. Tom shifted, adjusting himself.

"I heard you. And now that I think about it, I think I do remember a sexy theater nerd. I believe his name was... Olli," Sara smirked, leaning back again.

"Oh, haha," Tom replied.

She was teasing him. Tom could handle this. Even with as many parties and girls as he had been in lately, Tom was foremost an awkward weirdo oddly obsessed with his dog and year eleven crush. Luckily, that seemed to be the the exact Tom Sara wanted.

"I see you didn't end up much better than me," she said, nodding to his worn out attire. "I'm a waitress, how cliché. What about you?"

"I walk dogs," Tom lied, nodding his head in understanding. "So much for a quality education huh?"

"Psh right?! Seeing you like this makes me feel better. Jen bet me five dollars you would be famous some day. She owes me five dollars."

"There is still a chance!" Tom argued playfully, easing closer. "So, how's life? Got any dogs? Mine's name is Tess; she's a rescue, part," Tom started before being interrupted.

"Okay, look, never mind. You and I both know this was a mistake." Sara stood and turned to her booth before stopping in shock. Tom turned too and after a long glace at her ass noticed her friend was gone. "That bitch left me!" Sara screamed. "Oh, no, so this is how it's going to be huh?" Sara stormed back.

"Sara, I'll just drive you back to your place. It's cool."

"Just promise me you won't make this awkward," Sara begged, slipping on her black coat.

Tom nodded. "I promise." His eyes met hers and they locked, holding for a moment too long. They were warm and dark, just as he remembered. One second longer and they would have given her away.

"Oh, do not bite your lip like that! For god's sake, Tom!" Sara scolded, hitting him with her clutch.

"Good job acting like you didn't remember me," he teased with a laugh, reaching behind for his coat, hoping she wouldn't notice the Burberry tag peeking out. He was already in enough trouble explaining the Audi sitting outside. "For real, though, don't worry. I'm a changed man."

"I can see that," Sara agreed, her voice softening as they headed outside.

Tom, feeling more at ease, clicked the keys in his pocket, causing the Audi in front of them to light up.

"A fuckin dog walker my ass," Sara breathed, standing still.

"It's my uncles. He lent it to me while I'm in the city," Tom said, opening the passenger door for her.

"Uncle my ass," she muttered sliding in.

Before Tom could back out Sara reached for his arm. "Why not try this again?" she asked, but Tom sensed fear in her voice.

"You know why, Sara," Tom replied, refusing to look back at her. Breath escaped him as he tried to remain calm, to keep his thoughts in the present.

"But I can see you have changed, obviously, and so have I, so maybe it will work this time? I'm not looking for a superhero anymore, Tom. I just want someone who's here, who I can kiss."

Tom could feel her gaze intently upon him, so with a nod he backed up and headed home.

The thing Sara didn't know was that Tom hadn't changed, but he was one hundred percent willing to do it all again.

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