Ending this book

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Little_Seto_ Idk, they're both submissive boys

Blue yawned as he woke up slowly. His eyes fluttered open to see his boyfriend of 4 weeks, snoring softly. Red. A smile grew upon Blue's face as he snuggled into Red's chest. Red had brought out the best in him these past few months and for that he was grateful.



Yes. That was horrible we need to restart the whole thing.


You can't restart, fucktard

I quit

You can't. 1 friend that might be fake is good enough.

Stop doubting yourself, learn to trust again

But I can't. Besides they think I'm insane.

You're a weak ass pussy, no wonder

You're not helping.

Oh hush both of you.

Well anyway, it's been a few months, she should be fine.

You're stupid and that drawing wasn't good enough

What the fuck, this is about my friends, not me

They don't like you because of the person you are, idiot

Fuck off

You both need serious help, please listen to me

Nah. Nobody is gonna read this, if they do they won't care or they'll think I'm insane. Wait no they'll be super confused.

I wish I didn't have to deal with this shit



We're the same person

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