Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/New Year

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Adam's POV

I threw a beer bottle over Ty's head. His eyes just widened and he sat on the floor.
Now your probably wondering what's happening. Well Jason, Ty, Tyler, Seto, Mitch, Jerome, and Brice decided to come over to my house to watch a movie. Of course though I took out the beer and got us drunk. Well some of us. Tyler, Ty, Seto, and Jason were to young to drink. Well I mean Tyler didn't give a fuck and got drunk anyway. Jason was a little sober even after we forced some beer down his throat. Of course though Ty and Seto were babies and didn't drink at all. Fuckers. Meh they still have to do what we say. We're older! We have power. Ah being older has it's perks!

So me being the oldest decided we play truth or dare. Like legit I just did. We sat down in a circle. "Ty truth or dare!" Mitch asked (more like said) to Ty. "Uh-uh dare?" "I dare y-you *hic* to kiss Adam's neck!" "W-what?!" Ty looked at me worried. I just smirked. He sighed. Ty crawled over and let is his lips barely touched my neck. "Oh come on Ty you ca- *hic* n do better then that~" Ty looked at me, eyes wide as dinner plates. "Wha-what?!?" I glared at him. "Fine!" I tackled him to the ground and immediately kissed him roughly. The guys cheered (except for Seto) in Amusement and giggled and similar stuff. Ty was squirming and tried to get out of my grasp but me being older and stronger he was unsuccessful.

After what felt like hours, probably minutes, he kissed back. I broke the kiss, mouth agape. He gazed up at me for a second in some what of a trans and slowly took my glasses off. Ty actually had been asking me for a while to see my eyes. No body except for a few doctors and my parents had ever seen my eyes. Me being the drunk bastard I am giggled instead of trying to stop him. He looked into my eyes engrossed at what stood a few inches away from him. I smiled at him and quickly brushed away his bangs. I saw a purple eye. His eyes widened as he snapped out of his day dreaming to cover his eye back up. He then looked down at my amulet. I'm not letting him get any ideas.

I pulled off his shirt which caught him off guard. He blushed and tried to cover up. I gave Ty pouty eyes before saying, "Hey guys wanna have fun~" Everyone understood what I meant except for Jason, Seto, and Ty. I held Ty's shirt in my hand and threw in to Jason. He looked at the shirt bunched up in his arms and he took a big sniff. Man Jason gets drunk easily. At this point Ty was blushing furiously. Seto was just shocked. I gave a quick nod and Brice tackled Seto taking off all his clothes except for boxers.

Seto's POV

What the fuck is happening. Ty is looking at me half sorry half hungrily. I gulped. This isn't going well. The rest of them also were quite into my body. It made me blush and look down. Then I felt someone pat my head. I looked up to see Brice. He looked at me before smirking. He quickly picked me up bridal style and ran upstairs. I could hear the rest coming up here, following him. He finally stopped at his destination which was Adam's room? He threw me on the bed. And sat down behind me, quickly pinning my arms to the bed. He nodded at Tyler and Mitch and they both quickly grabbed each one of my legs and pulled them apart. Ty was glancing and me confused and nervous while Jason stood there fascinated. Oh dear what are they going to do! Adam and Jerome came up and....

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