•Chapter 1•

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Do any of you have that one person who, no matter how alone you are, whenever they're around, you feel complete? Like they bring meaning to your terrible life?

Well that person for me is Crowley. A wolf who, back in the day, saved my life. I visit him whenever I'm near. He has a nice little cabin up in some mountains with the best view.

I met Crowley when I was seventeen. He was the first wolf in nearly two years who actually had the balls to fight me. That's what sort of got our friendship going, but what really got us together, was when an Alpha jumped me. Crowley was passing by and after recognizing me as the fiery little beast who kicked his ass, he stepped in to help.

He was a mischievous man who loved messing with people. Well, that was before he met his mate. Now, he's a nice man with two daughters. After all these years, he's like a brother to me.

There are a few other wolves I've bonded with, too. Some have grown to be my family while others are more like those distant cousins you hate but are forced to be nice to during holidays.

Now, family is very important to me after what happened with my parents. I only choose the most loyal people to be my family. If someone messes with one of us, they mess with all of us.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still the lone wolf you read about in the previous chapter. I travel on my own and fend for myself, but that doesn't mean I don't visit my family whenever I get the chance or come down when I get a call from one of them asking for help. Like right now. I'm currently sitting in Crowley's cabin with the rest of my family because some pack decided to take away a family member of mine.

Crowley's wife, Anne, called me two days ago about her husband going missing after he went hunting to catch a meal for his family. When I had arrived at the house, I had to listen to his five-year-old daughters as they cried and begged to see their dad.

A few hours later, the rest of the family arrived.

The twins, Jack and Jake being like my crazy uncle's, came down from Michigan. Sylvia and Warren being like the parents I never had, came from California with their three kids, Andy, Kelly, and, Tommy. All their kids around the same age as me.

The seven of us are planning an attack on the pack who took our brother. Only problem is the idiot went and got kidnapped from the Roman Pack, also known as the largest pack in America.

We all knew even attempting to take a step into that pack would be the craziest idea ever, but we're rogues. We're crazy.

Anne wanted to come with us, wanted revenge on the people who had kept her mate captive for the last four days, but one look at her broken little girls and she knew she couldn't.

After reassuring the girls and her mother that I'd get their father back, we left. Shifting into our wolves with our backpacks dangling from our slobbery jaws.

It didn't take long to get to the pack territory line. Only an hour. Crowley must've been chasing a deer and accidentally ran onto their land.

We shift outside their territory, changing into our extra clothes before continuing with our plan. I give a nod to Jack and Jake, signaling them to begin. We all step over the territory line at the same time, covering our scent with Jack's, making it seem like there's only one rogue trespassing.

We've used this trick many times on other packs when we broke in. The twins walk ahead, making the guards come forth to see what's going on. Since they'll think there's only one person, the twins will use their looks to trick them into thinking they're in two places at once.

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