•Chapter 9•

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"What are you doing here Cal?" I cross my arms as I stare at the 5′3 witch in front of me. "Gee, I come to your rescue and I don't even get a thanks?" He walks around my room, completely ignoring me as he looks at the elegantly decorated space. "You can't be here. There are thousands of wolves who could sniff you out any minute." I grab onto his arm and start dragging him back to the window. "C?" I ignore him as he tries to plant his feet on the ground. "C, stop."

"Celeste!" He calls finally, tugging on my arm so I'll look at him. "What's wrong, C? You look absolutely frightened and you are never frightened." He chuckles lightly at the end but stops when I don't laugh along. "Celeste? Did something happen?" He asks quietly, holding onto my arms as he directs me to the bed. "He took my wolf, Cal. I can't leave."

"Well I can fix that. I'm one of the most powerful witches from England." He gives me a reassuring smile while I shake my head. "That's not all that's got me scared, Cal. We talked and I think he might reject me." He scrunches his eye together, studying me. "You don't even want a mate, so shouldn't that be good news?"

"No! What if he rejects me and doesn't give her back? I won't survive the rejection without her." He looks at me with sympathy which has me growling low. I don't like sympathy. "Okay, sorry. Look, if I can't get this fixed myself, I'll call upon the witch council to help. My father is the head of the council and owes me a favor."

Without even thinking I launch myself at him and hug him tight. "Thank you, Cal. You're the best." He hugs me back, holding back a laugh as I express my thanks over and over again. "You're welcome, C. Now, let's get you away from that hot-headed alpha of yours."

"How do we get out?" I pull away from him, watching as the gears inside his head turn. "I was thinking I'd just zap us out of here, but if I do that, the spell I made to cover my scent will stop working and wolves would be up here any second."

He rubs his chin as he thinks, but I go on high alert when I hear on coming footsteps and smell my mate. "Well do something quick because Austin is coming." His eyes widen before he shoots up like a rocket and drags me to the window. "Okay, plan b, we go out the window and run like hell."

He pushes open the glass and shoves half my body out. "Grab onto the tree. We can hop from one tree to another until we hit the middle of the forest. Then I'll use a spell and send us to my cousin's house." Before I can protest to this horrible idea, he shoves me one last time causing me to grip onto a limb before I fall two stories down.

"I hate you!" I whisper yell making him roll his eyes. "Move over." I hop onto another branch as he jumps at me. "Cal, he's almost to my room. I can hear him coming. What do we do?" I slap him upside the head, silently cursing at him. "Just shush and slow down your heart beat, I've got a cloaking spell." I nod quickly, closing my eyes and evening out my breathing, slowing my heart, much like I did when I was younger. When I open my eyes, I see Austin in my room, calling my name while moving around looking for me.

I can see the worry in his eyes as he checks my closet, bathroom, and even under my bed. When he doesn't find me, he runs out of my room and out of the pack house. "Aston! Gather all the available pack warriors, Celeste is gone, and we need to find her." He grips onto Aston's shoulder while they speak, him glancing around every so often.

"C, we have to go before my spells wear off." He whispers, hesitantly moving me forward. "Cal, what if Crowley is right? What if he doesn't let go and his pack falls apart because he won't be the Alpha he needs to be?"

"Celeste, I'm sorry but the spell is wearing off. We gave to go now!" I hold in a yelp as he grips onto my wrist and pulls me forward. "I know the mate bond has gotten stronger, so this is a little harder, but there's something you need to know." He gives me a quick look before ducking under a branch that comes up in front of him.

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