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There are no words to describe the way you make me feel
She was a star that when god placed in the sky glowed with such a fierce intensity nothing could shake it
But with much that lives it fades and life and people chipped away at her shining exterior And she grew dim and she was broken covered in cracks that dulled her surface
And destroyed the brilliancy  of her light
But then God knowing these things placed a beautiful star next to her not as cracked or as broken or dim as her but still worn and covered in maturity
This star had an old soul
It was wise beyond its years
And shared stories and entrusted much in this other star
Shared his past and pains opened up more to her
Made her feel important again like she was needed and wanted
A feeling she hadn't known or felt  for many years
He watched her heal
And felt the pull to her every day
He was pulled to her more than the moon or the sun
And unbeknownst to him she felt it too
But they were so far apart that the distance seemed to great and in his anger at their situation he chose an asteroid that floated within feet of him
And she began to dim again and constantly watched him and his radiance from afar never saying anything even though many could see the large crack that marred her surface
But one day God had had enough and forced the dark cold asteroid out of his orbit
The star realizing what had happened turned and although one could see that she had dimmed she hid the crack from him
He needn't know the extent of the effect he had on her
She didn't want him to know he had broken her but as life would have it something shifted her placement and she began to shift closer to him gradually
not realizing it until
They orbited one another
And they began to speak again and he apologized but
By accident or fate or in the hands of one meddling God she revealed the crack in her shell and he was devastated and guilty but she didn't want that she didn't like to see him dim because of her
She put her all into what it was they had
She refused to give up
And through this shared that only he could make her shine like she did when he was around
That she felt whatever they were made of it was the same
That their souls were two halves of a whole and that he was her mate
and although things were never easy they were content they had each other
She couldn't have prayed for anyone more perfectly designed for her
Because you are my star and without you I'm just a dull stone
But with you I'm a nova I shine with such intensity that others are blinded
And although things may not be easy or without struggle there is nothing that could or would change the fact that I was
Made to be yours for the rest of my existence

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