Somewhere Over The Rainbow...

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As (y/n) hummed the bright tune, she recalled the events of the last few days. Everything seemed fine. Her only worry was weather her parents would approve of her fiance. He was polite, loving and kind, everything her parents wanted. But, he had a dark aura surrounding him and probably a bone chilling tale to tell too. She may have to give up aging to be with him forever, she would probably never see her 21st birthday, let alone her 90th. She would become spirit and leave all her petty human imperfections behind. Should she want to do this? As she carried on humming, (y/n) didn't realize that, yet again, Jack's cool arms were wrapping around her waist. All her doubts were pushed away. They sang the sweet melody together, improvising a harmony as they went along. Was this sweet love? As they stared into each other's eyes, Frost sighed. He seemed to understand everything. He averted his eyes and said, "When can I meet your parents, the sooner I do, the sooner your worries will be washed away, I hate to see you worried." His eyes looked up and state right through her. (y/n) twirled her (h/c) hair and softly closed her gentle (e/c)g eyes. She thought of his words, he really did care. She would call her back to parents immediately. When she opened both her eyes and mouth to answer, he was gone. She called her parents to tell them about her fiance. They arranged to meet at an Italian restaurant called 'Bella Amore'
which means beautiful love. They would meet next Friday.

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