Bad Boy 8 - Chain Reaction

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How to Tame a Bad Boy

Bad Boy 8 - Chain Reaction


My mind was stuck on that one word repeating over and over again in different tones.

Fuck. fUck. FuCk. fUcK. FUCK.

I felt the panic rise in thick sheets wrapping around me. It engulfed me so quickly it felt like I was having an asthma attack. Shit I'm in so much shit fuck!

My eyes connected with a shocked, sleepy pair staring down at us in a state of silent, brewing anger. Shit. I shoved Jaxon off me faster then we fell wanting nothing more than to get the sleaze off me. He groaned on impact and rolled over into his back. A pair of livid eyes above me sent shivers down mine spine and flinched as his words matched the emotion in his eyes.

"What the fuck!" Reid yelled, in his shirtless, bed haired self. His chest rising and falling as he took in supposedly calming deep breaths. He gripped the door and scorched a hole straight through me head with his piercing stare. Oh god he looks so hot but so fucken angry. I couldn't form any words, just a gaping mouth, short breathed in a statue of absolute shock. Partially because he was shirtless and partially because it just wasn't coming out.

I honestly hadn't seen Reid this angry before and it shook me.

What the fuck was I even doing with Jaxon seriously London this is what he does with everyone! What he just did to you is exactly why we are in this mess and now you have dragged Reid into it.

I stuttered in an attempt to defend the little dignity I had left. I understood why he was so angry at me, I was barely clothed and there was a man all over me all whilst he was still my dorm AND not to mention that  it was Jaxon Cooper. Just being Jaxon Cooper made it a whole lot worse.

Reid just glared at me with fiery eyes before  turning away from me. Instantly a lump rose in my throat at his actions. It felt like a slap to the face as he turned away from me. The guilt was consuming me in vicious waves with such velocity my body started to tremble.

Did I just loose my best friend?

My heart dropped at the thought of not having him in my life anymore. All because of Jaxon. All because I was so gullible and stupid. My vision started to blurt as I blinked back tears.

"REID" I managed to yell now my voice wants to fucking work! Couldn't have been 0.5 seconds earlier!

He didn't turn around just continued off into my bedroom. Jaxon just lied there rubbing his eyes at the scene in front of him. Just seeing this riled me up with blistering anger. He flashed me a pearly grin as he got up off the floor and walked over to me holding out his hand to help me up. Okay now I was ready to punch him in the throat. I slapped his hand away and pushed myself up off the floor.

"Jaxon just get the fuck out" I hissed with venom and shoved him backwards by his chest. His eyebrows furrowed as he assessed my confused, embarrassed self. He went to open his mouth but I cut him off with a filthy frown. "Jaxon seriously just get the fuck out" I growled and as Jaxon would he didn't listen and took a step closer, grabbing me by the wrist.

"No! What the fuck is he doing here is the fucking question" he yelled down at me. I hissed at him and tried to shake his hand off me but he just gripped it harder. "Jaxon get off me" I spat trying to pry his hands off me.

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