Bad Boy 9 - Blushing Embarrassment

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How to Tame a Bad Boy

Bad Boy 9 - Blushing Embarrassment

London's P.O.V

I couldn't help but gasp for air as Dylan slumped on me, trying to catch his breath.

Fucking hell three years without this.

He groaned as I ran fingers through his soft curls making him nuzzle his face into my neck. A shiver went down my spine each time he exhaled and goosebumps bubble under my skin. I knew he wasn't going to move anytime soon nor did I feel like moving so I rested my hands on his back, skimming my fingers up and down softly his glistening back. He kissed my neck softly and wrapped his arms around my waist making sure to slither his fingertips slowly across.

I smiled as he pushed himself up so he was hovering over me. He looked so handsome. My hands moved with a mind of its own running themselves through his messy brown curls that were sprawled across his forehead. He breathed deeply as my body reacted to the slight movement of him shifting his weight from one arm to the other by wrapping my legs loosely around him. He closed his eyes as my fingertips moved to traced his defined cheekbones and across his razor sharp jawline before resting on the corners of his plush, swollen lips. He was a work of art. A golden skinned devil. He opened his eyes slowly as I ran a single fingertip over his wet lips. His eyes connected with mine with such intensity I gasped quietly. He made me feel bubbly and giddy like a child again. So curious of his next move and how many different things that it could be. I bit my lip as his blue orbs darkened with an endless amount of lust. The look he had just given me felt like the electric shock he gave me the first time. It was almost like being struck by lightning. I ran my fingertip over his lips once again and closed my eyes as my body remembered the first time we met.

Flashback - November - Senior Year

"Kiana this was a stupid idea" I sneered as typed away on her phone. She stopped typing for a split second and pointed to the beer keg across the other side of the room. "Lighten up London you need to loosen up" she grinned down at her phone.

Loosen up my ass you just need to stop snapchatting and talk to me then maybe I could have a good time or at least a decent time.

She didn't even look up from her phone as she told me. I frowned at her and let out a frustrated sigh. What is with her. She forced me to come to this party and now she's too busy on snapchat she could have done this while sleeping over seriously. I walked over to the keg muttering insults at the Asian. Maybe one drink will be enough. It's not like you haven't had it before London.

I grinned my teeth together and grabbed a red plastic cup. Loosen up her voice echoing in my head. Watch me. I looked around the flashing room and the endless amount of bodies grinding, twerking and touching that were jumping on top of each other as the beat dropped and they screamed their lungs out either to lyrics or in frustration.


I placed my hand on the keg trying to find the opening tap or twist knob. I smiled in success as I found the tap and was releasing the bubbling liquid in to the waiting cup. I smirked at my accomplishment. I've never poured my own drink from a keg. Just as I went to shut the tap a hand placed itself on top of mine.

What the?

I turned around, my frown returning. "It was a little painful watching you try and open it. I would have helped but you looked too cute" he smiled while looking at the drunken dancers and let out a soft chuckle.

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