Part 2

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Pissed was an understatement.

Scott Summers usually took great pride in the fact that he could control his emotions. It made him level headed and as a result, a natural leader. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t get the best of him. Despite what Jean had said in the early hours of the morning, he still wasn’t over the fact Logan had put three minors in danger. All of them were supposed to be acting like surrogate parents, not immature older siblings. Ororo was just as much to blame since it was her windstorm that caused the cascade of injuries, but Scott figured Logan had tricked her into it.

Scott waited patiently for his moment. Left it alone at breakfast. Left it alone at lunch. Left it alone to fester into a deep rage directed at one man. It wasn’t until a meeting late that afternoon that he finally got his chance and it bubbled eagerly to the surface.

“With all due respect, Professor, I don’t think you understand.” The five of them were seated in Xavier’s office; Charles behind his desk, Logan, Jean, Scott, and Ororo in the semi circle of straight-back chairs opposite. “Despite my well-known wishes, Logan took Jubilee, Kitty, and St. John to the Danger Room and somehow coerced ‘Ro into whipping up a storm for their benefit.”

“There was no coercion, Scott.” The petite black woman with the shock of white hair spoke softly at his side. “Logan told me of his plans. I thought they were sound. Do not blame him for the injuries – it is my fault the winds got away from me.”

“Not ‘bout to let ‘Ro take the entire blame for it, but listen to her, Slim.” Logan spoke. Scott leaned forward so he could see the burly man sitting on the other side of Jean. “She agreed with me on the idea.”

“You didn’t ask!” Scott’s throat tightened as he stared Logan down, his fingers clenching the arm rests with a white-knuckled fierceness.

“Wasn’t ‘bout to!” Logan’s brow furrowed deeply as the scowl on his lips deepened to show a brief glint of his teeth. “These kids need to know what they’re up against. Train ‘em young and train ‘em well.”

“That’s just it. They’re kids, Logan. Kids.”

“Tell you what, One Eye.” The scowl turned into a sneer. “You coddle ‘em, I’ll teach them to fight – we’ll see what they’ll be more appreciative of by this time next year.”

“Gentlemen, please.” Xavier raised a hand, annoyed with the antiquated head butting between Alpha team’s two male members.

Scott wasn’t listening. “Go to hell, Logan.”

“You first, pretty boy.” Pursing his lips, Logan kissed the air.

Scott erupted. The chair slid out from beneath him and hit the floor as he sprang to his feet. A hand lifted to his glasses, itching to raise them. “Come over here and try that.”

“Scott, Logan. Enough.” Xavier’s voice was loud, both verbally and in Scott’s head. Gray blue eyes narrowed over a hawk-like nose. “This will end. Now.”

Logan’s slouching hadn’t changed, but Scott could tell he was primed and would be out of the chair in the blink of an eye if provoked further. Body humming with rage, Scott didn’t move, but didn’t look away either, leveling his gaze on the steely one reflected back. Maybe Jean had reached out to touch his hand, Scott wasn’t sure. It didn’t register in his brain.

“They deserve better than this. Deserve better than to be…be used like this.” The vitriol was still in his voice, but it had softened to a low growl. “They’re only kids.”

“Mutant kids.” Logan’s stare was still full force. “And there are a lot of people out there tryin’ to make sure they don’t see their next birthday. So you decide, Summers. You gonna give these kids a chance to live to be adults, or are you gonna let them die as kids?”

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