Part 4

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Jean, do you feel that?

Feel it? She was nearly overcome by it. Shockwaves of terror rolled through her subconscious. Putting her hands to her temples, Jean tried to steady herself and put up a mental wall to block the sensations.

Yes. What on earth....

The thought bled out of her mind as she found the mental fingerprint. The emotions had been at such a high level the signature was buried beneath.

Scott! My God, Charles!

He said he was going to run through a program in the Danger Room. Go quickly. I will meet you there.

Jean didn’t hesitate. She ran for the door to the lab, ignoring the surprised looks of Kitty and Jubilee. Sliding to a stop further the hallway she wanted, she backtracked and picked up speed again, racing past the Blackbird hanger, the equipment room, Hank’s lab, and the alcove to Cerebro. The Danger Room was the last in the hallway.

The door didn’t open. The program was still running. Glancing at the screen beside the door, Jean read the message.

Cyclops program Endgame – Safety Override confirmed. Lockout confirmed.

Jean swore. With the safety override in place, it meant the program wouldn’t stop even if Scott were dead. The lockout prevented anybody from unknowingly stepping into a situation that might have been way above their head.

“Computer, medical override.” It was the only thing that forced the program to end if the player was incapacitated.

The computer thought about it briefly. “Please state override code.”

“Kilo papa bravo x-ray zero two. Jean Grey.”

“Jean Grey override confirmed. Welcome Dr. Grey.” The doors finally opened and Jean rushed into the room. The lights had returned to stasis level, glinting coolly off of the metallic walls of the chamber.

“Scott?” He wasn’t near the opposite wall. Spinning on a heel, she looked behind her.

Hugging his knees to his chest in the corner behind her, Scott whimpered. His visor was cracked, strewn on the floor several feet away. Eyes closed hard, he rocked and mumbled. Jean took a step forward.

“Scott?” The rocking only increased. “Scott, its Jean. Do you hear me?”

Cuts lacerated his face, caking his skin and hair with dried blood. Scott’s hands curled into fists and rubbed over his cheeks. Finally the fingers loosened for the heels of his palms to grind against his eyes.

“Don’t hurt, don’t hurt, don’t wanna hurt, don’t wanna hurt, don’t wanna hurt, don’t hurt….”

The mumbles became louder -- loud enough Jean could finally hear what he was saying. “Scott, I’m not going to hurt you.”

Jean, have you found him?

He’s curled up into a ball in the corner of the room. Tears stung and blurred Jean’s vision, her heart breaking for Scott.

Keeps on repeating ‘don’t hurt, don’t wanna hurt.’ What does it mean?

Whatever you do, do not touch him. Touch his mind, let him know you are there, but do not physically touch him. I’ll be there in a few moments. Xavier’s anxiety was clear through the link. He has regressed for some reason. What you are witnessing is much akin to how I first found him.

Jean nodded to herself and took a step back. Sitting down, she closed her eyes and spoke again, this time telepathically.

Scott? It’s Jean. You’re okay. You’re safe. We’re in Westchester, remember?

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