Chapter 1 [Makeover!]

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What's this?

I look at the suspicious looking sticky note on top of my coffee table. I stared at it for a few minutes before picking it up. "What the hell is this?" I read what it says on the sticky note out loud, "Meet me at the Grand Park this evening. I'm going to take you out on a date. 8:00 sharp! Who ever comes late will have a big kick on the butt!" I laughed so hard after reading it as i was shaking my head. "Mwoya? Why is he suddenly taking me out for a d--"

Now that rings a bell.

I looked at the calendar and was shock to see it's already the 19th.

It's our first anniversary together! How could I possibly forget?

I run to my room as fast as i could and dressed up casually. I glanced at the clock and it says 5:31 PM.

It's better to be early than being late right?

I put on some light make up with all the images of us together running through my head, "It's finally been a year huh?" I smiled and turned my head to the picture frame on the table. It was a photo of me and my boyfriend, Lee Hyukjae.

Ah, just saying his name makes me feel giddy all over.

It's been two weeks since I last talked to Hyuk. He had been busy with all the dance lessons he took this summer. To be honest, my Hyuk is such a hardworking person. That's one of the main reason why i love this guy. Other than having the same hobby as him, which is dancing, I understand and know him so well as if he was the back of my hand. And oh! He's funny and his stupidness makes me happy too.

I laughed at the thoughts and sighed. "Oh how i miss you so much~" I blurted out.

Suddenly, something hit me hard.

I put down my lip bulm, escaping a small sigh from my lips. Hyuk was always late on our dates now-a-days. No, we hardly even see each other. Whenever I ask him out for a walk, he's either not in the mood to talk or he would simply.. reject me. Being an understanding girlfriend as I am, I try my best not to lose temper because I know what he's been going through. But this is too much right? He should have time for me. I'm his girlfriend after all.

Yeah... his girlfriend.

I drag myself in front of the mirror and take a look at myself. "I think this just might work." I chuckled softly and make my way out of the door. As i was about to go, my friends Seohyun and Tiffany checked up on me to see if i need any help.

"Unnie~ Are you going somewhere?" The innocent Seohyun approached me together with Tiffany and i gave them a wide grin. "Yes. And guess where i'm going?" I tried not to sound excited but oh well.. it was obvious anyway.

"Uhm.. perhaps you're just going out for a walk?" Tiffany said while pointing at the ordinary-looking clothes i'm wearing.

You didn't have to point it out Tiff. =_=

"No, unnie is probably just going to buy something outside." Seohyun beamed happily as if she got the correct answer.

"That can't possibly be." The blonde girl looked at me as i was making a distressed face.

Oh thank god someone finally understand my feelings.

"Ah! I think i know!" Tiffany shouted in a confident voice which made me feel like she's gonna get the answer now.

"Hyo was worried about the plants getting all dried up yesterday, maybe she's gonna water the plants." The clueless girls nodded in unison, making Hyoyeon lose all the confidence she had earlier.

Before I could defend herself and say I'm simply going on a date with Hyuk, the other two started debating in front of me.

I finally gathered the courage to talk and groaned. "I'm actually.." I paused for a while while these innocent girls in front of me turned their attention to me. "Going out on a date."

"Unnie you can't possibly go on a date looking like that." Seohyun fastly said. Tiffany just nodded.

"But these are probably the best ones from my closet." I sighed heavily then sit on the ground. I'm starting to lose hope.

I got quiet while the two girls in front of me looked at each other and whispered evilly. "Do you know what this means, Seo babe?" Tiffany smirked then both of them shouted. "MAKE OVER!"

"W-wait, what make over?" I asked, confused, as the girls started pushing me inside with an excited look plastered on their faces. "My date with Hyuk starts at 8." I reminded them but Tiffany just laughed and said, "Don't worry, Hyukjae is always an hour late. Remember?"

Well, it's not always...he's just.. busy..

"Yeah and besides unnie, if ever you do get late, it will be your first time." Seohyun said as we enter a big room full of beautiful clothes, branded shoes and bag, also accessories and of course, make up. "It's only 7:07 PM Hyo. We can make you into a beautiful princess into no time." Tiffany added which made Seohyun excited.

"Ah.. i really don't know about this." I mumbled under my breath nervously.

Supposed to be Happy EndingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon