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      When evan was born, he was differnt than the other babies, he didn't cry, and didn't scream. His mother was worried there was somthing wrong. She tried every thing in the book to make him talk, to make him "normal." She was worried that his abnormality would get him kicked out of the city, because if a baby is to small, or to "different" then it is considered wrong, and or hazardous and is...despozed of. She belived the rumours that the children are chucked over the gate and out into the wild and hazardous woods, Even though for generations nobody has ever seen the outside of the gate, they speculated, and old books and maps help them pinpoint were they where and how there surroundings would look. and she, fearing for her sons life, and ignoring the rumors and warnings, she fled over the gate. While using the given time all mothers with "abnormalitys" are allowed to try to make there child  "normal", she planned. She had to find away to get passed the gate, she knew that if evan was found out he would just be thrown over the gate, an infant    barely one week old, chucked over the 50 foot tall wall to die.

"No," she told herself "i cant let that happen."

She spent hours thinking, planning, but to no avail.

Finally when she couldn't  take it any more she collasped and cried, she cried  for her baby, cried for the husband that left after she got pregnant, and cried for the unfairness of it all, and eventually, she cried her self asleep.

It was during the night that she got the idea to do somthing she hadn't done in a long time for fear of being kicked out of the city, but tonight she had nothing to lose, so she set her mind adrift and floated into the city officials mansion, her consciousness drifting farther and farther into the house till she reached the elders chambers ,that is where the eldest of the oficials lived, and she did somthing she felt she should do, somthing that crossed the line, but she had to...she jumped in to the eldest elders mind.

It was a mess in there a jumble of senile thoughts, and memorys. She got disoriented, but told her self,

"You can do this merci"

So, evans mother merci dove deaper into his mind until she found, how to get out of the wall undetected, and the answer surprised her. According to the eldest elder's brain there is a tunnel, that leads from under the statue of the bird, at the city hall, to the outside of the gate. Seems easy enough but, one small problem, the guards.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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