7- Busted

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It'd been 3 weeks since you found out Daveed was a drug dealer and you had started dealing too.

You were making more money than you'd ever made in your life.

"So when's the next sale?" You asked laying on the bed next to Daveed.

"Well," He sat up and looked at the time on his phone "In about 30 minutes.... Babe are you sure you wanna do this one? He seems pretty shady to me." He said looking over at you.

You scoffed softly. "You know how much he wants to buy? That'd be like 3 grand right there!" You said throwing your hands up.

He looked at you worried, "Alright, whatever you say but I still think that something about this is sketchy."

You shrugged and hopped off the bed. "So after he gets here we should go shopping. We still have like $700 left over from yesterday." You said imagining all the things you could get combined with the money you would be receiving soon. "Maybe we can travel, go to like Rio or France, oh or maybe even Asia, what do you think of Africa? I mean I've always heard ---"

"Babe, relax" Daveed said slowly while laughing.

You started laughing too. "Sorry." You blushed.

"It's fine. Let's go watch some TV until he gets here." He proposed. You both went into the living room and watched Blackish until the doorbell rang. "Ohh he's here!" You exclaimed springing up to go answer the door.

When you opened the door, there was a man standing there with a dark blue shirt on, black pants, and a black jacket over it. He seemed normal enough.

 He seemed normal enough

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"Hey come on in."You said leading him into the living room.
Daveed looked him up and down and then gave him a tiny head nod. The guy nodded back. "Do you have the stuff?" He asked oddly loudly.

"Mhmm. One second I'll go grab it." You went to the back room and came back with a bag full of various drugs (mostly pills and weed).

The man peered into the bag and sifted some stuff inside the bag and then looked at you. "What's all this?" He said loudly again.

"Umm some Ecstasy, weed, and a couple Xanax's." You told him. As you said it the man leaned in closer to you. You didn't exactly know why. You looked at Daveed who was shooting daggers at the guy and getting up slowly.

You looked at the guy, at Daveed, and back at the man. "So umm do you have the cash?" All of a sudden before you even knew what was going on the guy quickly lifted his shirt to his mouth and yelled "All units move in."

Your eyes almost exploded out of your head and your heart dropped. You felt someone grab your arm and pull you away very quickly. You were in too much shock and too overtaken by fear to do anything so you just stumbled along with the person. You looked up to see big, curly, dark brown hair bouncing in front of you. The person running you away was Daveed.

You sunk back into reality and heard yelling all around you. You took off sprinting to keep up with Daveed. You ran out the backdoor and into a small alley across the street.

Daveed was running ahead of you slightly when you felt a different pair of arms wrap around you. "NO" You screamed crying. You whipped your legs around trying to break free. You swung your head to the left and next thing you know everything goes black.....

Daveed's POV
When the man came
in I could tell he was sketchy. But (Y/N) was so sure we needed this sale, I decided not to interfere. "Do you have the stuff?" The guy asked oddly loudly. Why was he talking so loud? That was one of the first things that made me feel like something weird was going on. When (Y/N) went into the room to get the stuff the man was looking around a lot. Like he was trying to find something. Strike Two.

(Y/N) came back in with a bag. He examined the contents then asked what it was. He was being loud again.... Fuck! He was being loud cause he was talking to a hidden microphone. (Y/N) answered him and he moved in closer so the mic would pick it up clearly.

He's an undercover cop.

I slowly got up and he must have figured that I knew so he quickly yelled something into the mic and I grabbed (Y/N) and ran.

She stumbled behind me barely keeping up then she started running too. I looked around thinking quickly. There was a squad car on the left so I ran to the right where there was an alley.

I started to run as fast as I could. (Y/N) was lagging behind. I turned and I saw her get grabbed by an officer. She lashed around violently trying to break free when she swung her head too hard and hit a pipe on the wall that knocked her out.

I wanted to go back for her so badly but I knew I couldn't. I turned back and kept running. I grabbed onto two pipes and pulled myself up onto the top of a building. I ran across the hard concrete roof to the end and realized that it cut off there. I turned and saw multiple police officers running towards me, pointing and yelling.

I took a few good steps back and then took off running towards the edge. I sprinted towards it and jumped just the building ended. I could feel the wind breezing around me. It almost calmed me. Almost.

I reached out and grabbed the edge of the other roof to catch myself from falling and pulled myself up.

I kept jumping from rooftop to rooftop until suddenly something hit me. I fell to the ground. Hard. My eyes filled with bright light. Then slowly went completely dark.

Omg, wtf. Are you okay? Also did y'all not know that was an undercover officer like I thought it was pretty obvious.

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