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Hey guys! So I didn't get the new chapter out this week but I do have the samples of my new book here! I'll get the ending to y'all soon but for now enjoy the samples. I'll let you guys know more about it once the book ends! But again it's 3 storylines in one book. The book is called Damaged and it should be out in a couple weeks maybe. Enjoy!


King George III X Reader-

You walked through the palace thinking. For some reason the King of England had taken interest in you. Why? It's not like you had much to offer. You were not from nobility nor did you have an ounce of royal blood in you. Really, if the King found out who you truly were, you would be hung right away. Still you proceeded to his room. You couldn't help but have feelings for him, it wasn't something easily controlled. The feelings were... unexpected and overwhelming to say the least. You gripped the necklace he had given you as a gift, for nothing! You did nothing to deserve all the treatment you were getting yet you still got it. You couldn't help but wonder about your friends back in America. It hadn't been long since you were sent to Britian as an American spy with Hercules Mulligan. You knew that you owed your country answers that would help them win the war and you most definitely had them but slowly, it became increasingly harder to betray the man you were falling in love with. So instead of thinking more about all of the stress that seemed to be weighing you down, you focused on the moments right now. Where everything was okay. As you approached the door and gave it a soft knock, King George's strong, affirming voice called "Come in". You reached out for the door knob and cracked it open just slightly. "King?" You asked peeking your head into the room. There he was, seated on his grand bed. His piercing eyes caught yours and you held your breath. "Come." He said softly, and just as you should, you obeyed.


Samuel Seabury X Reader-

Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton. If he was not the sole root of every problem he was definitely the root of this one. He had once again taken things too far and this time you witnessed it at the Continental Congress. He went off on Samuel Seabury and again, took it too far. Feeling bad for Seabury, you went to go check on him and he kissed you. Bad timing apparently because Hamilton came storming over right after and socked him in the face. You had a quite... eventful past with Hamilton and you two had been through a lot together. Samuel tried his best to understand but he just didn't understand why you were so worried about Alexander when he went off to war. "If you care so much, maybe I will just enlist as well!" He exclaimed from the other side of the kitchen.
"You know that's not what I want, Samuel!" You belted back.
"Then why do you care so much about him and not me?" He said softly. "What does he have that I don't...?"
You blinked and looked down. Truthfully, you couldn't answer the question. You didn't know why but for some reason you had this connection to Hamilton that you just couldn't stop. You really needed to sort out your feelings.

Charles Lee X Reader-

Naive. That might have been the best way to describe it. You were naive to believe that anything could go right being the only the only female in the entire army. Just as expected, one night you were attacked by another solider. There was almost nothing you could do until another soldier showed up and saved you. The soldier later came back and introduced himself as Charles Lee. You two hit it off quite quickly and he invited to the Schuyler ball with him. Unfortunately, things didn't go to well at the ball and you ended up taking interest in someone else, John Laurens. You really hated that you and Charles weren't as close anymore and you basically had no one to talk to. So when you heard news around camp that John and Charles, both the men that meant so much to you, were going to have a duel you couldn't believe it. No matter want you would make sure that duel did not take place.

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