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published: 230817

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published: 230817.
word count: 1210.
other: just a little bit of background / history :)

IT WAS the absence of Samantha Rivers that gave it away. No matter how hard she tried, Alina Rivers-Fletcher could not overlook it. Even at the tender age of five, the young girl knew the unexplained disappearance of her mother was only the start of worse things.

She'd have liked an explanation; Alina didn't really think the nightly fits, screaming and broken furniture was enough. Little did she know, Sam had been admitted to Eichen house, by her loving other half, Beatrice Fletcher.

The five year old often watched Bea from behind the kitchen door; her curly dark ringlets tamed behind her silver adorned ears by crimson-painted nails. Every now and then, her gaze shifted from the wooden table to the precious gold band on her left ring finger, glancing at it in contemplation. Alina thought her mother was pure beauty - the freeness of the way in which she expressed her emotions was looked up to in complete awe.

She made a mistake once, of intruding her mother's reflective state, entering the room solemnly but innocently to ask, "Where's Mommy?". It was something she couldn't forget - the tranquil picture of her mother in deep contemplation turning into something the child thought, at the time, could have been out of a horror movie, towering over her just to yell, "Get out!". The scene ended with Alina rushing clumsily up the stairs and sobbing into her Peppa Pig bedsheets.

After that, the youngster kept quiet, figuring her mother had far too much to worry about - this fuelled silence blossoming the birth of the new Alina Rivers-Fletcher, the reflective and timid girl that most always kept to herself. Hidden away was the bright and cheery child that enjoyed playing in the playground with her mothers on the weekend, and the daring girl that liked to climb trees knowing her parents would be there at the base to catch her if she fell.

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