And So He Speaks

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Danny was shaking. He knew he was, but he couldn't stop. His body ached at the memories racing through his mind. One after another. They wouldn't stop.

When Robin asked if he was Phantom, Danny was vaguely aware of his head shooting up, but didn't really register it. He was still too lost in his memories. Memories of pain and torment. It felt like years passed by the time Robin's voice reached him.

"-you're safe now." Almost as if waiting for the boy to say just that; a blue mist escaped from Danny's mouth. The boy tensed, his protective instincts kicking in. All of the lingering memories were shoved to the back of his mind. Danny straightened, slowly unfurling his body, much to the confusion of the others in the room. His green eyes now glowed as they scanned the room, searching for signs of the ghost he knew was there.

   Unfortunately for the Titans, none had noticed the blue mist that came from the boy's mouth, all too lost in their own thoughts. This only caused more confusion when Danny cautiously eased his way off the bed, subtly guarding the group of teens. Beast Boy was the first to recover.

   "Dude!" He cried, alerting the others to Danny's behaviour. Each let out a shout of protest. Danny ignored them all.

   "I know you're there. Come out." He said, voice raspy from lack of use. The sound of it made the Titan's wince, each remembering  how much worse it had been. Danny continued to scan the room, desperately searching for any sign of the ghost. Suddenly, a familiar black figure jumped out of a nearby shadow.

"Shadow?" Danny asked in surprise, not expecting the ghost he sensed to be the shadow of... "Johnny! Where are you?" He growled out, knowing that he couldn't be too far behind. Said ghost suddenly appeared by the window, only a bed separating the two ghosts from the teens.

"Kid?" The blonde ghost asked, disbelief and shock in his voice. "You're alive?" The ghost sound shell shocked at Danny's presence. The ghost boy stood, completely surprised by Johnny's words, and the meaning behind them. Is that what the ghosts in the Zone thought? What did his ally's think?

"Danny?" Came Robin's cautious voice from behind him. "Who is this guy?" The boy wonder asked. The Titans were all in fighting positions, not wanting to risk being taken by surprise. Danny chose to ignore Robin's question for the moment.

"Why are you here?" He asked the ghost in front of him. "How did you find me?" Danny's questions seemed to snap Johnny out of his shock.

"Hard not to when you let out a power wave like that." He answered smugly, clearly trying to cover his shock, though his voice wavered slightly. "Could you call your friends off? The witch is giving me a headache."

Danny, albeit reluctantly, turned to the Titans. He knew they didn't trust him, Cyborg in particular. But he also knew that they weren't equipped to fight ghosts, and with how weak he still was, he had no choice but to listen to Johnny 13.

"Don't fight him." He muttered, hoping beyond hope that they listened. Turning back to the ghost, he repeated. "Why are you here?"

"Doesn't matter, I was just on my way out." With that, Johnny phased through the window, taking his shadow with him. Danny glared after him, hating how little information he had gotten.

Slowly, Danny sat back down on his bed. The pain he had been feeling before the ghost's appearance came back, causing him to wince slightly. That wasn't what worried him though. What Danny was truly worried about was the mixture of confused and suspicious stares he was receiving from the Teen Titans.

   "Guess I have some explaining to do." Danny muttered dryly.

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