Mission Impossible

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   Robin sat on the couch in the living area, fingers tapping impatiently on the armrest. The Titans had been gathered there for the past fifteen minutes, the air steadily growing tenser. This feeling had grown to be so intense that Beast Boy winced every other second.

   Suddenly, the sight of glowing blue claws appeared out of thin air, making the Titans jump up in surprise. When an immensely large, bipedal wolf wearing a torn sweat suit stepped through, both Robin and Cyborg relaxed.

   "Raven, Starfire, it's our tour guide." Robin said grimly. He walked forward cautiously, not wanting to risk anything, no matter if Clockwork said a sentient wolf  was safe. The two female Titans followed without a word. Wulf simply opened another portal with his (rather intimidating) claws. Taking a deep breath, Robin stepped into the glowing tear in the universe.


   When Robin stepped out of the portal, he couldn't help but gape at his surroundings. Floating islands and doors were suspended in hue of green. Is this what Cyborg saw when he went through that portal? Is this what Danny had seen a countless amount of times?

   "Hello Titans." Clockwork said from behind, causing Robin to turn. He glanced at Raven and Starfire, seeing a look of awe on both of their faces, though Raven's was more subdued. Glancing back at the ghost, he saw Clockwork gesture for them to follow.

   When they entered the tower, they saw countless screens playing through different people's lives. Upon further inspection, the Titans noticed that several screens showed a familiar half ghost. Robin scanned through those, seeing glimpses of his infancy, toddler years, and the rest of his childhood. He saw as Danny was constantly shoved against lockers, and pushed around. Danny was bullied?

   "He has been through a lot in his life." Clockwork spoke, a sad look on his face. Robin turned away from the screens, seeing the saddened face of Raven, and Starfire nearly in tears. Truthfully, Robin hadn't even noticed their presence, something rare in and of itself.

   "What's the plan to rescue him?" Robin said, having already resigned himself to take a backseat to the leadership position, no matter how difficult it may be. He was in an unfamiliar territory, he had reasoned with himself earlier, with an unfamiliar enemy.

   "The plan is relatively simple. I'm sending Wulf with you; he knows where Alpan's territory is. The four of you are to find Danny there, and bring him with you through a portal Wulf will create. Try not to engage Alpan head on; I doubt you will win." Robin let out an indignant noise. Clockwork was quick to try to appease him. "That is nothing against your abilities. It is simply due to Alpan's abilities, and your lack of experience against them."

   "What abilities?" Raven spoke up in her monotone voice.

   "She has the ability to enforce any and all anger you have felt. As I'm sure you know, fighting with too many emotions diminishes skill." Robin couldn't help but agree, thinking back to how Slade had manipulated him using his anger. "She can also manipulate fire. If you are forced to confront her, use water and ice. We do not have much time, you must go now." He said urgently.

   Robin nodded, swiftly turning towards the exit with the others. If they had stayed for even a moment longer, they would have heard Clockwork mumble sadly, "Please bring him back safely."

   Their small group of four was swiftly making their way to Alapn's lair. Starfire was carrying Robin, while Raven and Wulf were both flying at a fast pace.

   "Ni estas preskaŭ tie." Wulf spoke suddenly, surprising the Titans out of their stupors.

   "What?" Robin asked, not recognizing the language.

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