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Finally! My first day of college! I was studying music, and I was excited!

"So, how ya feelin', college girl?" My mom asks. I beam.

"Nervous, but excited. If that makes sense." My mom nodded.

"Makes sense, don't worry." I take a sip of my water, Three Doors Down playing softly from the radio. My mom pulls up at Taco Bell. I squeal in happiness. My mom laughs.

"I figured I'd get us lunch, so you can eat now. We only have an hour left in the drive," my mom said. I nod in agreement. My mom pulls into a parking space.


After another long hour of driving, my mom reaches the campus. I grin as I look at the massive building. My mom parks and I immediately get out. I look around, beaming in excitement. I walk with my mom to the office, getting my dorm key. I turn, embracing my mom, who was now tearful.

"I'm gonna miss you. Call me as much as possible. I love you," she said.

"I'll miss you, too, mom." I pull out from the hug. With another goodbye, my mom walks back to her car and I head off to find my dorm.

Hmm, room 456. I wonder who I'm sharing a room with. I hope my roommate's nice and not stuck-up. I take the elevator to the 4th floor. The elevator dings, signaling it's reached my stop. I step out, scanning my surroundings. I walk around, desperately looking for my dorm. I turn a corner, bumping into someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" The girl exclaimed, standing and helping me up.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm Kimberly," I said, sticking a hand out. The girl smiled.

"Nicole. Nice to meet you." We shake hands.

"Do you happen to know where room 456 might be?" I ask. She nods.

"Yeah, I'm in room 455, we're neighbors!" She said. She grabs my hand, leading the way. After many twists and turns, we stop.

"Here it is!" She chirps. I laugh.

"Thank you so much!" I said.

"No problem! See ya, neighbor!"

I wave, turning to my door. I fish the key out my pocket, unlocking the door. I step inside, dragging my stuff in. A girl sat on the couch, along with a dark haired male.

"Um, hello," I said awkwardly. They turn to me. The girl squeals, shooting up. She runs up to me.

"Hi! I'm Sarah! And that's my boyfriend, Brendon," she said. Instead of shaking my hand, she pulls me into a hug.

"Sarah, don't crush her to death," Brendon says, walking over.

"It's.. fine," I manage to gasp out. She lets go, blushing. "Sorry."

"'S fine," I say, shrugging. I drag my stuff down the hall, into my new room. I huff, sitting on the floor in exhaustion.


After dancing to Nickelback, Three Doors Down, Daughtry, and Linkin Park, I finish unpacking. I hear a knock on my door and I turn. Sarah stood there.

"Hey, we're going out! You coming?" She asked. I smile, nodding. "I guess."

"Great!" She throws me a dress. I gasp. "Sarah! I couldn't! This dress is gorgeous!" She grins, waving me off.

"You can wear it! If we're gonna be friends, get used to borrowing my clothes," she replied sassily. I laugh. I usher her out the room and slip the dress on. Here goes nothing.

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