1. Hennessy

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Zada woke up with a throbbing headache. She was in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. The room was all white and she noticed her outfit from the night before on the floor. She took a moment to think about her night and how she'd got there. Then, she vaguely remembered the mysterious stranger. Zada put on her clothes and made sure all of her belongings were still in her purse and smiled as she thought about the wild night before.

One night stands were nothing new to her, but this one was different. Even though she was drunk, she still remembered bits of the night. The memories were electrifying, but she knew she couldn't stay. He wasn't even in the room with her anymore, it meant nothing.

When she was ready to leave, there was a faint knock at the door. The stranger from last night walked in with some coffee and pain medicine. His voice was deep and sweet. "Good morning beautiful, are you feeling alright?" That feeling of excitement washed all over her again like a wave. But then she stopped herself.

"I'm feeling alright." She simply said. He smiled at her again and handed her the coffee. "Don't worry love, I didn't poison you." She checked to make sure there wasn't any residue floating at the top. "That's exactly what you would say if you did poison me. But what's life without getting poisoned a few times?" They laughed, which created a little tension. "I think life without getting poisoned is longer." He said and smiled again showing his perfect teeth.

Zada looked for something around the room to distract herself from Mr. Perfect standing in front of her. In seconds, she found what she was looking for. She thought to herself, "Let's watch him squirm a little." She picked up the picture on the glass night stand, "Your wife and kids?" She asked. He began to fumble over his words, "Yes, but she uh left me last month and took the kids. I still wear the uh wedding ring to keep women away from me, but it was just something about you and I just couldn't resist." Zada couldn't decide if his attempt to flatter her was sweet or pathetic. She just smirked a little and said, "That 'thing' about me was Hennessy. You're sweet, although I'm not." She took a sip of the coffee and looked him in his embarrassed eyes.

She studied his chiseled face hard, trying to find a flaw. Trying to find something that will end her attraction to him. "Just too much alcohol still in my system." She said to herself and dismissed the thoughts. "Well, I better get going. Thanks for everything." She said and stood up and walked towards the door. "Are you sure? I can make you breakfast or have my cook make you something really fast." She smelled his cologne when she was got closer and caught herself biting her lip. Mr. Perfect saw her and smirked. "You like it? It's Mr. Burberry." Then she realized his whole outfit, an all black suit that was tailored perfectly to him.

A silence fell on the room and it became awkward once again. His phone rang and Zada found the perfect opportunity to leave. "I bet it's his wife." She thought to herself. She walked to the door but he aggressively grabbed her wrist and ignored the phone call. Then he quickly let go. "I'm sorry for that, I just don't want you to leave yet. Breakfast first?" He asked. "If he does end up killing me then at least I'll be fed first." She thought to herself then agreed. "Go downstairs and meet Rose, she'll make you something." He says and walks out the room, but then disappears down the hallway.

"I could get used to this." She mumbled to herself when she walked into the kitchen. An old white woman was down there cooking. "Oh it's so nice to see a fresh face around here. I'm Rose, what's your name sweetheart?" She said smiling hard. Her kindness was surprising and a little creepy. "Zada." She says sitting down on the stool at the counter. Once again, everything was white, the whole house was white. Even Rose's uniform. "Are you allergic to nuts hun?" Rose asked. Zada didn't hear her because she was mesmerized by the beautiful chandelier hanging over the dining room table.

"Good morning Rose, and no she's not. She would have died last night if she was." Mr. Perfect answered. "Good morning James, how was your night?" Rose asked. James smirked and looked at Zada who was still daydreaming. "My night was magical, perfect, the best ever. She's magical, perfect, the best ever." He said still staring at her. "

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