London day two

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So today In London we are going to go to the giant Farris wheel that James was talking about. It's in like this carnival thing and I can't wait.

We all get dressed and head out "So have you two ever rode a Farris wheel " James asked "nope I replied and Sara said "yes they are amazing " . We got to the carnival and got into the Farris wheel and started going up . The Farris wheel is this glass box that has seats in it and you can see everything "oh my god this goes so high I can see all of London " Sara said "and look over there , there's Big Ben "James said "oh my gosh it is " that looks so cool " I said .

After we got down from the Farris wheel we went shopping again . Yea we went in 20 stores yesterday but we only got like two things . We have problems deciding . This time though we told James he could stay outside. We finish shopping and head jack to the house. I go to charge my phone but my charger breaks "UGHHH" I said "what's wrong " Sara said " I broke my flippin charger I guess I need a new one ,JAMES WHWRE IS THE NEAREST WALMART IN LONDON" I said "you know Walmart doesn't exist over here right " James said "yes but you would know what the next best thing is " "alright let's go " James says me and him walk out of the house while Sara stayed home to read her book a little .

"So how far away is this store " I asked " about a mile but you won't die " I rolled my eyes and kept walking .

We finally get to this store and I find a charger and we leave BEEP I take out my phone and look at the text "we know where you are " it's from a number unknown and I stop walking "what's wrong" James asks " I donno this odd number just texted me and said we know where you are wait I know who these people are, ok I have never told anyone this not even my parents but u can't tell anyone . I am a ex military assasian and I was trained from when I was five til I was sixteen I know all of this sounds odd but trust me . The people hat just texted me are trying to find me again and kill me so if we need to leave London " I said " oh my god " James says " we need to go " so me and James start running and I get a call from Sara. "Sara where are you" I asked as we got closer to the house. "I'm in the house , I think Simone is coming after me, I hear foot steps" Sara says and she sounds like she is crying.
"Ok what room are you in" I asked while I directed James with me to the back of the house to hide.
"I'm in the bathroom hiding " Sara said. My friend is being kidnaped because of my past. This is my fault. This is all my fault.

"Okay listen to me Sara this next part is very important alright"
"I need you to leave the bathroom and find the nearest bedroom and hide under the bed and let me know when your there"
"Ok" Sara said and I liked at James "we will get her back I promise" I said to James and he gave me a sad smile.
"Ok I'm here now what"
"Ok when they come I'm there lay your phone on the floor and Sara ... there going to take you-" I began and Sara stifled a sob when I said she would be kidnaped "-and when they do I need your to scream out hair color , eye color, anything that you can see" I told her
"Ok" she responded

We waited until we head foot steps enter the room and then leave "hey Jordan I think there gone-" Sara began but as soon as she said that I head a scream "AHHH black hair, brown eyes AHHH , Jordan !!!!"
"Listen if you want me I'll tell you where I am and let my friend go but if you don't I will hunt you down and I will kill you " I said into the phone "good luck " I head a voice And just like that it's silent. My best friend is gone. She's gone.

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