Chapter 25

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"Robin wake up, are you okay", said Kid Flash.
Robin was laying in the Manor with bandages on his arms.
"Aww I was hoping to be dead", said Robin to himself.
"I thought you got over suicide", said Kid Flash holding his hand.
"What would I do without you Wally", said Dick.
They stared at each other than they snapped out of it, when Wally's dad called.
"Bye Rob I gotta go", said Wally and ran away.

Now Robin was alone again. Thinking about random things again.
He felt worthless and no need in this world.

Finally 2 weeks later he was back to going on missions again.
There new mission was to stop Sportsmaster from stealing cobra venom and using it for bad reasons.

They where fighting him and his henchmen. Robin couldn't help to notice that Sportsmaster kept on aiming for Artemis.

Sportsmaster was beat them all except for Robin, he was the last standing. Sportsmaster aimed a knife at Robin then he threw it.
It was about to hit Robin but then Kid Flash jumped in the way, taking the stab. It went through kid flash's chest and then though Superboy.
"Stabbed two hearts with one knife", bragged Sportsmaster then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Connor, Connor no", cried Meagan.
"Call the Justice league now", said Aqualad.

Then the Justice league arrived.
"Wait how did the knife go through Superboy", said Flash.
"Its made out of kryptonite then covered with a coat of metal", said Batman.

Soon they where in the medical room.
Everyone was horrified and waiting for the results of the surgery.
Meagan and Robin were worried the most.
Meagan would lose her boyfriend and Robin would lose his best friend in the whole wide world. Flash was also sad he would lose his nephew but Superman didn't care about his clone at all. The least he could do was pretend to be sad.

Then the surgeons finished. And everyone eagerly waiting for them to say something.
"One of them survived", said the surgeon, then everyone sighed in relief.
"What about the other one", asked Green Arrow.
"They are in a better place now", said the surgeon.
Everyone stood there sad and horrified.
"But which one survived and which one didn't", said Flash eagerly.
"That information will not be shared at this moment", said Batman.
"Seriously", was what everyone was thinking.

Later the Justice league went on a mission and the Team was alone in the cave.
They were all pacing around with worry.

~Recognized Speedy B04~

"Oh no", said artemis.
"So I heard something dramatic happened while I was gone", said Roy.
"Nothing unusual happened", said Artemis.
"Oh really where's Superboy and Kid", said Roy.
"Ummmm", replied Artemis.
"They are on, a Mission, w-with the league", said Miss Martain, she was trying her best to lie.
"As if", said Roy.

Everyone was silent for what seemed like forever.

"They got hurt very badly and are in the medical room", said Aqualad.
"Thank you fish face", said Roy.
Aqualad glared at him.
"So what everybody gets hurt and no gets this over dramatic", said Roy.
"Where did you hear this from?", asked Artemis.
"All I know is that Oliver has a problem and needs to stop talking to himself out loud", said Roy.
"Oooooooooh", said Artemis.

"TELL ME MOOOOOORE", yelled Roy.

"Oh no", thought everyone.

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