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"What the Hell is this?"
"It's exactly what it looks like," Elliott chuckled, holding the heavy fire escape door open for Trixie, "It's the roof of the building,"
"Okay, yes. But why are we here?" The brunette rolled her eyes and took a seat by the very edge of the roof. Heights were clearly not an issue to her.
"Stars will be out soon," Elliott shrugged and went to stand in the center of the space before them, his head tilted back so that he could look up at the darkening sky.
"You brought me here for a spot of stargazing?" She could've laughed but she didn't. It was very laughable to her, but disbelief easily overpowered that. Her day spent with the barista just kept getting weirder and weirder.
"Well, yeah. I did," He chuckled again.
"Okay then," She nodded slowly before arising and joining him where he stood. He smiled until she lay down on her back.
"What're you doing?"
"Gazing at the sky," She stated. There wasn't even much of an attitude to her voice. The girl was just stating facts. Elliott smirked to himself and joined her on the floor of the roof, "So why star gazing?"
"It's a hobby," He told her, "I love astronomy,"
"I thought you did English literature in college," Trixie glanced at him sideways.
"And psychology," He added, smiling, "And yet, I would end up back in this shithole of a town, making coffee,"
"Well it's not like you're only making the one type or anything,"
"Shut up, you," He laughed at her remark. It wasn't often that Trixie was heard being optimistic, even if it was just sarcasm, "No, no. This stuff is my real passion, y'know?"
"Was it your dream to be an astronomer?" She glanced over again.
"Partially, yes," He nodded, "The full plan was to discover a star,"
"Cool, what would you name it? Frappechino?" The girl spluttered into a jolt of laughter.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"Mate, I was joking," Trixie sat up, "Would you seriously call your discovery Frappechino?"
"What else am I supposed to call it?" He gave her an expression of full seriousness which just made her laugh more.
"I should've known, really," Trixie sighed, lying down again.
"Tamsin was never really into all this," Elliott hummed, "She mainly just wanted me to read her star sign all the time,"
"Why'd you split up?" Trixie asked.
"I cheated on her repeatedly,"
"Yeah, I know I'm a catch,"
"Not as big a catch as Frappechino," She began to smirk.
"Will you stop crushing my dreams?" He sat up to push her slightly, causing the two to laugh.
"You gonna read me my star sign or what?" Trixie asked, smiling her dark-lipped smile and sitting cross-legged as Elliott began to point to various clusters of stars that were beginning to appear in the sky and tell her everything he knew about them.


A few people were starting to make their way into J's. Nine o'clock, it was.
"Pint, please, now," Dick plonked himself down at the bar and slammed his hand down on the wooden surface twice.
"Alright, sir, alright," Ebony rolled his eyes and got to reaching for a clean, empty pint glass. Dick's usual drink was Guinness, so it didn't take Ebony that long to put the black/brown substance in front of him.
"Good man yourself," He guffawed in thanks, immediately diving in to drink. Ebony rolled his eyes, knowing that the old gent was too preoccupied to possibly pay for his purchase. He knew he'd have to remember to ask him later on. He looked over at Joseph, prepping his drumkit. He hadn't heard from Trixie either but didn't seem too worried.
"Has Victor been home over the past few hours?" He asked, jumping down from the stage and approaching his Guinness-loving customer.
"Who?" Dick shot him a funny look but then understood and shook his head, "Oh, him. No, he's gone back to that pathetic grotto on wheels, living like a fucking monk on hash,"
"...What?" Ebony titled his head.
"You haven't seen him at all then," Joseph skipped the old man's opinion of his son and looked on, looking around his pub, distractedly.
"He'll go for a smoke and come back," Ebony said, "He's just pissed off at Spike, as most of us are,"
"Why are you annoyed at him?" Joseph raised an eyebrow.
"Just... flatmate disagreements," He shrugged slightly. Elliott had kept true this word and didn't bring anyone back to the flat. Spike on the other hand did not, thinking it wasn't necessary. He was always considerate like that.
"Speak of the Devil," Joseph sighed upon seeing Spike enter the pub, but then corrected himself once he noticed that Victor was with him, "Devils,"
"Hi," Victor stated, huffing like a bold child. He didn't seem very stoned which was good news for Joseph. The last thing he needed was a zonked out bassist.
"Well well, look who hath returned to human civilization," Dick spun around in his chair to mock his eldest son.
"You alright? Eh?" Joseph clapped a hand onto his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm fine," He nodded his head of dark curls, averting his eyes from everyone before snapping them up to meet Spike, "But I still hate you, you're still a dickhead,"
"But you'll play the set?" Joseph interjected before Spike could make any comments.
"Yeah I'll do it if she arrives," He gave him a small smile, "Does anyone know where she is?

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