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i saw the interview that you had with vulkan magazine and how choked up you were when they mentioned my name.

it hurts me to think that even after two years, you're still hurting because of me even though you're happy.

caspar told me not to reach out to you, mostly because he knew that it would bring back hidden feelings and he didn't want to see either of us getting hurt.

i'm glad that you're still talking to him, even though he's my best friend.

i don't know if you still have my number but all i can hope is that somehow this gets to you, izzy.

you probably feel like a monster for ending things the way you did, but i want you to know that i'm okay even after all this time. it's been hard, i'm not going to lie, in fact, there have been times where i've practically torn myself apart trying to figure out how i could've convinced you to stay. but that's not your fault, it's mine.

i loved you, isabela. there will always be a part of me that will always love you no matter what.

this isn't a sad attempt to get you back. i know that you're happy with him and that he loves you in a way that i could never even fathom. i won't ruin that.

i just wanted to tell you that i'm proud of everything that you have become and that i'm happy that i had the chance to love such an extraordinary person even if it was for a short time.

i hope that you're doing well and that one day we can meet again because i would do anything to see you again, iz. even if it's just a small step to being friends again.

and i-

well, i wish you and alex the best.


i know that a lot of you weren't expecting an ending such as this, especially since izzy and joe didn't end up together in the end, but while writing this book, i decided that i wanted to have a different ending that people don't usually see.

i know that it's a sad one and that a lot of you are seriously questioning me right now, but i can assure you that i'm not trying to kill you on purpose. maybe sad endings is just what i do..

anyways, i want you all to know that i seriously appreciate and love each and every one of you and thank you for taking the time to read this book. it's come a long way because of you guys and i can't thank you enough for that. i hope you all enjoyed reading serendipity as much as i enjoyed writing it!

i hope to see you all again in another joe fic or in one that interests you!

-ange xx

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