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Hilton Seven Sanders. 

Son of a former multi-millionaire criminal. Seven didn't choose the life of gang banging and violence - he practically inherited it. This wasn't only because his absentee father had been the most sought after dealer in LA but because society and 'so called' fate had made his life and the lives of those who looked like him that way. 

For many of the kids he grew up with, life ended almost as quickly as it started.

Young black men died everyday, taking with them the future they may have had and cutting short the hopes and dreams of their families, leaving them with the bitter aftertaste of reality. The boy grew and gained thicker skin due to the things he had seen, the experiences he had and the people he lost.  


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Sanders was a self righteous narcissist and an adrenaline junkie who ignored feeble advice and made all his decisions based on pure instinct, luckily his instincts were yet to fail him. He desired control at all times; if he was feeling good he did good things. He became a good person, an ordinary teenager with the ability to laugh and joke like no other. Yet if he was feeling negative in any shape or form, he unknowingly did everything in his power to make someone else feel pain; even in the most indirect of ways.

He was never threatened by anyone or anything which was one of the reasons why his peers envied him so much. Business was Business to him. Anything that had to do with business never required personal sentiment - which something he already lacked in general. He went to full lengths to get the best deals he could even if it meant putting himself in danger. Danger had always been like an aphrodisiac to him, the more extreme the better.

Hilton would have worked alone if he could; in that way no one would be able to disappoint or fail him. However, from a young age, his father had taught him the importance of having a team. A group of people that he could control and scare so much that they'd never let the thought of betraying him cross their mind. the people who never gave up on him and who always had his back.

He had eventually settled for his childhood friends, the people who never gave up on him and who always had his back. Through the darkest of days, those guys had been there for Hilton and he most definitely had their backs too when it came down to it. He was the type of guy that was always mentally absent until you needed him. It had taken him a long time to get to this point; a point where he considered his crew to be his family but they had proved themselves worthy countless times. They also knew how unpredictable he could be and wouldn't dare test him, no matter how friendly they had become.

Being in the dealing business had never stopped them from having a reasonably good school attendance. Although, Hilton found it harder than the others to concentrate; he was a serial flirt. The boy never really had to try, all the girls wanted him and he used that to his advantage. For some reason, the arrogance that oozed from him was enough to get him any female he wanted..

But that was until he met Reign Foxx.


Hilton stared at himself in the mirror; he glared at the huge bags that plagued his eyes. It'd been a long time since the boy had last slept properly and as much as he didn't want to let it bother him, his body was showing undeniable signs of complete exhaustion. The night before, he had spent hours dealing with one of the North gangs down at LAX Airport and making sure that his supplies were in check. By the time he left the site and got home, the sun was up and it was time to get ready for school. So he showered and got dressed as soon as he got in the door. He would have just slept in but Hilton didn't feel like having the principle on his ass any more than usual.

As much as he would never admit it openly, he really wanted to focus this school year. After all, it was his last year of high school.

"Yo Breezy!!" He hears a voice call from outside his open window as he's putting his Jordans on.

A smirk forms on his lips as he ties his laces; he could pick out Xavier's stone cold New York accent from anywhere. Xavier or Za, as the gang called him, was the most reckless of them all. This brother was full on crazy, so crazy that he almost made Hilton seem rational. He always got himself stuck on house arrest for driving at a thousand miles an hour on a 30mph road, you could call him an adrenaline freak. However, his reckless behaviour didn't hinder his mental ability, the boy was crazy smart. Za was the one who hooked the gang up with the rides they'd need and came up with escape routes in the toughest of circumstances.

"What up Z?" Hilton whispers after lifting his window a little higher and leaning on its seal. Xavier pokes his head out of the car window and waved at his friend to come down. They had left the deal earlier than Hilton and probably had a nice nap as none of them looked tired at all. He could see them cackling and joking around as they waited for him. Za and the others were sat in the matte black Maserati SUV that he most likely took from their plug's garage before picking his friends up.

"Come on man we gotta get going." He whispered back while beckoning Hilton over. The boy nods at his friend; he grabs his school bag before jumping out of his window and landing on his feet. He dusts off his trousers casually before opening the car door and flopping into the empty seat. The boy looks over at his friends and sends them a large goofy smile.

"I still don't get how or why you do that." Tia said looking over at him as he sat next to her. Tee was like his sister, the two were the closest any two people of opposite gender could get without being in a relationship which caused an abundance of rumours to run around the block that the pair were a thing. Tia knew him better than any other girl ever had. The reality was Hilton cared too much about her to ever do her wrong like that. Dating him was more of a curse than a blessing as he could never make himself as emotionally available as females wanted him to be. They could never admit to themselves that they'd never be able to change him.

"It's all practice Tee, you know this."

"Where did you go last night? You just disappeared after we finished the meeting with Marzo and his crew." Adriana asks in her high pitched voice which frankly no one wanted to hear at that time of the morning. It pierces through Hilton's ears like an alarm clock causing him to roll his eyes profusely for the first time this morning but knowing Hilton, it was sure it wasn't gonna be the last. It was too early for her yapping. There was something about Adriana that Hilton couldn't stand and his instincts were never wrong.

The girl wasn't even supposed to have come with them last night, It wasn't the place for such a princess. This was one of his problems with this girl. She thought she was a princess and not only that - she thought she was his princess and that he owed her something and it irritated him more than anything. Anyone who knew Hilton knew that he cared less about Adriana than any piece of gum stuck in the ground.

"Ain't your damn business." He answered without looking at her.

"Hilton I was worried about you." She moans with a pout that Hilton was sure she thought was cute. He also hated when she did that. The girl had one of those sickeningly childish faces in general that left her looking years younger than she actually was. The pouting only made her look like a middle schooler rather than the attractive young woman that she wanted to be and it was just plain creepy.

The boy continues to stare out of the window for a while before finally looking up at her. "Worry about yourself."

It hadn't been a threat but the intensity of his tone caused the whole car to fall into a dead silence for the rest of the ride to school.




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