By Justin, she was betrayed
into a joke, she was madeBy Jessica, she was wronged
upon her, a dark life had dawnedBy Alex, she was destroyed
On and on, she simply criedTyler cunningly spread rumours
how she wished to die of deadly tumorsBy Courtney, she was stabbed in the back
a friend was now what she started to lackMarcus left her shattered
very little was all that now matteredZach just pretended
in her heart, varied feelings were intendedRyan left her feeling exposed
on depression, she overdosed.She watched Sheri hit & go
streams of tears would regularly flowBut when it came to Clay,
he was her only happy rayRaped by Bryce,
she wished for the world to be more of niceMr.Porter watched silently everything
everyday more of her heart would sting& one day,
she couldn't & wouldn't take no more.
Cutting her wrist,
she left us all crying our eyes sore.