Chapter One

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Chapter One

Lina's POV

It's Friday, three am in the morning. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I can almost see it. She's running aimlessly from death. Then for a second, there's hope. Maybe she can get away. Maybe she can go continue living her normal life. And then I turn the page, it comes anyway. Oh. My. Gosh. I'm frozen stiff. I put the book down and recover for a minute. I can't help it. I grab my phone and call Drew.

"What the hell, Lina... IT'S THREE AM IN THE FREAKIN' MORNING"


"WAIT! So you're telling me... you stayed up until three, ON A SCHOOL DAY, just to read that book." Drew seemed angry.

"It's a good book! Kinda like how you stayed up until one -thirty just to finish that documentary about the Big Bang Theory."

"Don't. Even. We are not to speak of that. IM COOL NOW, OKAY?"

"HAHAHA! I know there's still a nerdy side of you deep down inside."

"UGH... I'll talk to you later. And I'm still mad at you for waking me up at three in the morning."

"Okay, see you later."


Drew's POV (before Lina calls)

"Drew.", i hear a girl's cute voice say from behind me

I turn around and there she was. The girl I'm so helplessly in love with. A total idiotic book worm in the body of Venus herself. Although she refuses to believe it, although she refuses to see, Lina is actually extremely gorgeous and a lot of guys no this, not just me. And although that fact infuriates me, I can't let it show.

"Lina...", I whisper with a smile

She takes a few steps closer until our bodies were only an inch apart.

She slowly leaned in.. She was on her tip toes, considering the fact that she was 5'6 and I was 6'1. Our lips were only a centimeter apart when I bent forward to completely close the space between us.

Our lips were moving in sync. Our kiss was slow but passionate. I brushed my tongue against her lower lip, seeking permission. She immediately opened my mouth a little wider, granting my tongue , entrance.

I wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly.

Her arms found their way around my neck. She started grabbing unto my hair, which made a groan escape from me as an extremely audible moan escaped from her

We were kissing for what seemed like forever when I slowly started to pull back. She was disheartened., but as much as I enjoyed her lips on mine, I knew we had to part. My body felt cold without her as close to me, but we had to catch our breaths. We were both panting heavily.

Once we regained our composure, I stared at her..I observed every single detail her face possessed.

Her beautiful blue eyes 

Her amazing pink lips. Those perfect lips. Lips that were slightly swollen due to our heated make out session 

This is like a dream come true.. 

She put both her hands against my cheeks and we both just looked at each other for a while, taking each other in. I saw her lips slightly open..she was about to say something..her lips were moving but no sound was coming out from them

"What? I can't hear you...I don't understand", I screamed her voice was starting to gain volume

"Wake up ,Drew! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!"

My eyes opened.

My heart was beating heavily

It was all just...a dream...

I felt my heart sink.

Of course its just a dream, dumbfuck! She'd never look at you that way!!

I then started to hear an annoying ringing sound. I realized that its source was my phone. I grabbed my cellphone from under the pillow..

Who is fucking call me at...-

I took a quick glance at my clock

...-at 3 AM?!

I looked at the screen and saw it was Lina.

"Well speak of the devil...", I muttered

I clicked the receiver. She was panicked due to the fact that a character in a story she was reading died. I was used to these types of calls by now. I pretend to be annoyed at her whenever she does this, but the truth is that I really enjoy talking to her, no matter what time of day. The sound of her voice can lift my spirits so easily.

Damn this girl...

After talking to her, I look down, only to see that I have a massive erection.

Holy Shit.. 

It's all because of the heated dream! I really have to calm down.

I take a few minutes to steady my breathing to truly calm myself down ..well, myself AND my erection.

Anyway, I have to forget about that dream. I have to prevent the subconscious part of mind from ever including Lina in my dreams.

I only have about 3 hours of sleep left. I must cherish each and every second of it, so I placed my phone back under my pillow. It only took a few seconds until sleep completely consumed me.


Thanks for reading. 

Lina's part writtenby my friend, Riana :>

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