Chapter Two

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Lina's POV 

I wake up to the WONDERFUL sound of my alarm. Shower. Breakfast. My usual routine. I hop into my mom's car and next thing I know I'm at school.

I see Drew by his locker. We talk awhile. He tells me about how ticked off he is at me for waking him up at three in the morning, but I swear, I could see a glint of amusement in his eyes. Then the bell rings and we head to class.

The day goes by in a flash. Nothing too eventful, just a normal purplish gray school day, just like the rest of them. Although I do have a lot of friends and I've shared a few laughs, I cant help but feel as if there's a huge part of me missing.

After class I wait for Drew by the big tree and we walk home. And no, he is not my boyfriend. We are just best friends. We've known each other since... forever! And I may or may not just have teeny weeny crush on him, but I refuse to tell him as I fear he might not reciprocate my feelings, and as cliche as this sounds (considering the fact that many people have said it), I truly am afraid of losing the bestest friend I've ever had. His looks and his attitude can easily make me swoon ..well ..any girl swoon, but that's beside the point. I have to remind myself not to let my feelings show when he's around.

"Hey, Lina, remember that time when you woke me up at three in the morning?" ,Drew asks me sarcastically with one eyebrow arched.

Looks like I'll never hear the end of this. Oh boy.

"I'm sorry. I just get so enthusiastic about books sometimes!"

"Sometimes... Hmmm... let's see. Remember that time when you broke into my bedroom just to tell me that the writer of that book is having a book signing and you needed me to come with you even though you knew I was grounded at that time?"

"You could've said no!"

"What about that time when I was...", Drew was about to say, but then I cut him off.

"Okay, okay. You've made your point. I just really love books, they take to places I've never been. They let me experience these crazy adventures that I would never get to experience in real life."

"Well, if you're so that into books, write one!"

Write my own book.

That is definitely not a new idea. I've tried, and tried, and tried, but whenever I have an idea and start putting it on paper it doesn't turn out good. I'm actually not a very good writer, which is very ironic.

I remember one time, I think I was about ten, I had this GENIUS book idea. Well, it was pretty genius to me. I worked on it for months. Then I decided to read it, and it was terrible, and amateurish, and boring. Which is probably what you would expect from me at that age, but I had high standards.

"I don't know how to write.", I said lowly

"PFFFT... Angelina Clarke: the bookworm, the teacher's pet, the editor-in-chief of the school paper.", Drew said while looking at me as if I were a madman.

Good point...

"And what's there to write about anyway?", I ask Andrew. Water?

"A lot! You probably just need a little inspiration.", he told me with a smile that made me want to melt on the spot.

"Well, I'm definitely not going to find any inspiration here in Portland.", I mutter.

I saw his expression change. I guess I said something wrong? It's true anyway. How can you find inspiration when you're caged in the walls of your home or your school. Everywhere and everyday you're surrounded by water places and water people, colorless; tasteless; just going with the flow. When you expose them to extreme heat, they evaporate. When you expose them to extremely low temperature, they freeze. It's always that way, never changing.

"Well, I guess this is where we part. See you tomorrow, Lina.", Drew says, his face devoid of all emotion, as he goes his own way.

"See you tomorrow.", I say with a small smile.

So I started walking again and next thing I know I'm back home. I run up the stairs and go in my room. I toss my bag onto the floor, grab a book and crawl into the covers and read, but in the back of my mind, I think about Andrew and what ever may be bothering him.

Andrew's POV

She believes he can't find any inspiration here in Portland. 

She doesn't see the color in this gray town. 

For a bookworm, she sure can't read  

She can't read the beauty in the people here.  

She doesn't' realize how everyday in this place can become a wonderful adventure.  

The smile on children's faces  

The warmth in people's hearts  

The love of the people for each other.  

The love of this town for its people 

My love.

She wasn't like this before. She used to be more... alive.  

She used to live the story, not read ones coming from a book. 

She used remind me of one of those fictional characters on classical novels who'd take on big adventures and overcome the greatest obstacles while never losing sight of the great treasure that'd lie ahead.  

She changed when her father died.

My Uncle Sam, Lina's father, passed away when I was eight. It was a cardiac arrest, they say. They tried to rush him to the hospital, but alas, it was too late.

I remember he would usually play "Imagine" with us. Basically, he would tell us the plot of the story and we would all have to act it out. I guess he's who Lina got her creativeness from.

I remember the time we pretended to be in the Kingdom of Ekam Eveileb, and we'd set out on different adventures, climbing mountains, tracking down witches and slaying dragons, but the best part was always finding the treasure.

The treasure was different every time, but according to Uncle Sam, the greatest treasure was the Chest of Evöl, but he said it was the hardest to find. You'd have to take a lot of risks and often times, you will be filled with doubt. The journey to finding this chest is very difficult, but is the greatest treasure of all, so the hardship will be worth it. We though, should be wary..for this chest can either blind you..or guide you.

I am dragged back to reality and I realize a stray tear has actually fallen from my eyes, which I angrily wiped away, but alas, more tears started to fall from my eyes.

The day he passed away was hard on all of us. He managed to become my dad's bestfriend. But I believe that Lina took this loss much more heavily than any of us did. She didn't cry..didn't shed a single tear. She just locked herself in her room for weeks. She'd wouldn't even come out to eat. She completely shut us out, but he just returned to normal one day, as if nothing ever happened. Even until today, she refuses to talk about her father and is extremely skilled at avoiding conversations that have anything to do whatsoever with her father.I still continue to wonder where that girl is. The one who's always smiling. Perhaps, she's still trapped. In the Lair of the Dragon of Seram Ngith.


Once again, thanks for reading  :D

Lina's part by my friend, Riana =)

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