So I had this super cool dream but then later on at the end of it I kissed someone(who would be very rare I kissed;a girl I want to choke to death,to be exact).So here's how the end kinda went:
(Let's call the girl J. for now)So me and J. went to this halloween party with the rest of our class,so we were just randomly sitting on the bleachers (cause I think it was inside a gym).We weren't talking or doing anything from what I remember.Then we just like looked at each other,smiled and our faces where extremely closed and so BOOM we kissed.Their were like tons of people around us and I felt like if any of them saw us something bad might've happened.But thankfully nothing happened and nobody saw us.Well even if they saw us,I wouldn't have really cared.But over all,it was a nice kiss.I'm ashamed to say I liked and that kissing feels extremely good.But that wasn't the first time I've kissed J. in my dreams,I've kissed her like 5 times already.I think my mind just wanted to feel what would've happened if we HAD kissed in real life,sadly but thankfully that never happened.And I also feel bad for saying that I actually was happy when I first saw her on the dream-which was a really long dream.
I think some of you may have an idea of who it was whoops
Anyways,if you read it all here's something for you:
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