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Chapter Twenty-three

It was bound to happen sooner or later.

After Casper had got ready that Monday morning and greeted James with much enthusiasm and knowing looks as he opened the door, his mother just in the other room they had shared one small brush of the fingers before they were off to school. Daisy and Hedgehog had made up over the Sunday apparently as they sat being the lovey-dovey couple they usually were and no one dared to even point it out, not even Logan.

James at the beginning had kept his distance from Casper, giving him space but Casper vocalised that he didn’t need it after he figured out what James was trying to do and with the look of relief James gave him as Casper called him out for it, neither did he. Just because Casper was worried James had gotten the wrong idea about wanting to come out didn’t mean that he didn’t want to jump James at every opportunity he was allowed – which was very rarely.

Casper knew they needed to talk though and he was fully intending to do so, it’s just that when he had the opportunity to get him alone James had other ideas what to do with their alone time and very quickly changed Casper course of intention very quickly; almost effortless you could say.

By the time he knew it December had rolled around and Casper was more tolerating of the Christmas songs ringing clear from every building he came across. There was a feeling of magic and panic going around as people turned their houses into replicas of Santa’s grotto and the temperature grew even colder and Casper was snuggling more into his usual black hoodie to keep warm.

“I don’t see why you can’t just wear jackets like normal people,” Daisy said in a slim jacket with a furry brown hood, looking on at her friends who were sniffing and shivering in their usual attire they wore throughout all seasons. They all sat on the rusting roundabout at the park doing their usual bumming around because there was nothing else to do in this god forsaken town. It was barely moving and creaking under their weight. It was after school on a Wednesday and they were waiting on Darla and Daniel.

“But that would be lowering expectations,” James explained with a chatter of his teeth but a smirk grew on his lips anyway.”They all think that people like us,” he gestured to Casper and Hedgehog;  in all black, piercings and eyeliner, “are closer to Satan and therefore resistant to the cold as we spend so much time having tea parties with our lord in the fiery depths of hell and who are we to break their stereotypical, delusional little minds?”

Casper laughed through his hoodie collar while Logan chuckled and Hedgehog gave an amused smile. Daisy just rolled her eyes. “It won’t be that when you all get the flu.”

Casper sneezed at that moment, earning a concerned look from James and Daisy looking at him with triumph. “Too late,” he mumbled sheepishly, discreetly wiping his boogers in the crook of his sleeve. Gross.

“You’re always sick Casper.” Daisy sighed.”You of all people should be more sensibly wrapped up in winter.”

Casper grunted in response and pouted into his crossed arms over the roundabout bars, his legs dangling out and pressing into the ground lightly with his foot, giving little pushes so they were all moving slowly and surveying the area lazily.

Darla and Daniel didn’t show up for another twenty minutes and the group of publically looked misfits were freezing, expect Daisy who was happily clutching onto hand warmers in her pocket, snuggling into her furry hood and curling her toes comfortably in her furry socks in her boots. Casper had sneezed multiple times and couldn’t help but smile when James moved closer to him to their thighs and shoulders were touching and nudging his foot at Casper’s. All Casper wanted to do was sigh into James’ warmth, surrender all but he still held a little guarding restraint, even around his supporting friends.

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