Chapter 2

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Moon was ambling down the hall, she had an argument with winter when she was still in the infirmary. But it had been months since she talked to any of her friends, too shattered to even speak to them.

Her tail dragged behind her, head hung low as she passed dragons in her way to her history class. Everyone seemed to ignore her as well, no more thoughts about her, no one would even glance at her- not even the prophecy dragonets.
Due to the accident, her left back leg was burnt to a crisp, and her right horn had been nearly blown out of her head.
MoonWatcher hadn't heard anything from DarkStalker besides his quiet and blank dreams, she thought I didn't know he even would be able to sleep. . .

She limped into the history cave, her tail seeming to drag her down even more. Moon was about to sit down, in defeat, when she spotted two all familiar dragons ambling towards her. Qibli shouted "moon!" His tail curled in tightly "hey- moon!" The NightWing took off into a sprint, at least she tried to, flapping her wings wildly trying to get away from winter and Qibli.
She landed on her snout, and made an "oof" sound when  she made impact with the stone. Winter put his talons on her arms and made her sit straight up, making moon pull away all to quickly.
"Moon, we need to talk." Said winter cooly, his eyes-- as well as Qibli's, digging into hers. MoonWatcher said nothing, wrapping her wings around herself.
Turtle and kinkajou were approaching now. . .

"Moon!" Smiled the bouncy RainWing, but then frowned a bit when moon didn't reply. Turtle was avoiding the NightWing's eyes, much to her dislike. Can't even look me in the eye anymore-- you shouldn't care. . . You've still got me. . .
Ah, that startled her. DarkStalker had been silent for months, but had now spoken up.
"What is it you want to ask me?" She said, emotionless. She could hear the startled thoughts of all the dragons around her
That's scary. . . Kinkajou thought, making MoonWatcher's spirit shrivel up a bit.

"We wanted to know how you knew about the explosion. . ." Said Qibli, gesturing to his friends around him. Moon flinched as winter asked "how did you know?"

"I can't tell you!" She snapped back. Winter narrowed his eyes and said "why exactly?" Moon let all the depression and fury roll out onto her tongue "if I did set the explosion you slithering viper, then I would've been more vigilant. However, if I did set a bomb, trying to kill other dragons. . . Then I wouldn't stop them all from going in." She took a deep breath before yelling "none of you have to suffer like me! I'm missing a horn And my back leg was burnt right off of me. . . Y-You don't. . ." She started taking deep breaths, but they were wavering with sobs and Cries of distress.
She shut her mouth, and looked up at all of her friends. Turtle looked generally concerned, Kinkajou's scales were now grey clouded with dots of blue, And Qibli and winter looked as if they had just witnessed her sobbing for hours.
Moon placed a talon on her head and said, slowly "if my o-own friends really don't t-trust me. . . Then I t-think we shouldn't be friends at a-all. . ."

Kinkajou stared at moon, with such a heartbroken expression, that the NightWing almost felt guilty. Turtle looked sad, as he wrapped a wing around kinkajou. Qibli and winter looked at each other, giving moon enough time to limp away. They didn't even bother to chase after her, too heartbroken and shocked to even think straight.
You still have me. . . Little moon. . . DarkStalker whispered, before going silent for the rest of the day.

No I haven't forgotten this, it's just I'm pretty much busy with art on other websites. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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