Chapter Seven🔹Stop Thinking

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I was sitting down at school in chemistry class thinking about... him. His brunette hair... Chocolate eyes... His adorkable face... Darn it I'm doing it again. I knew I was spacing out again, in my own world, but I didn't bother coming back into reality. That is until Mr. Warren called my name.
"Y/n? Do you know?." I snapped my head to the front of the class room, trying to figure out the question. I felt my face get hot as I asked,
"W-whats the question again?" I heard Flash snickering.
"Do you know who you want your partner to be..." Mr.  asked, realizing I was completely disoriented.
"Okay then... Mr. Parker. Who are you partnering up with?"

He nodded towards me,
"I'll take y/n."
I walked over to him and muttered,
"Thanks." He smiled reassuringly.
"So... What do you want to do for the project." I racked my brain trying to remember what the project was.
"Before I answer that question... What is this project exactly..."
He laughed and said,
"You really weren't paying attention. What were you thinking about?"

YOU. I WAS THINKING ABOUT YOU. I wanteto scream at, but of course I couldn't.
"Nothing." I said before spacing out again and a staring at his eyes.
"Y/n? Y/n...?" Someone asked me. I snapped back into reality, again, to see that I was the only one in class, except for Peter.
"I did it again... Didn't I?"
"Yes you did. Let's get to class." I nodded before we headed our separate ways down the halls. After stopping by my locker, I walked to lunch.
"This is why you talk back to me, Penis!" I heard someone yell before a loud crash. I looked down a hall to see Peter being slammed into a locker by Flash.
"Hey, Trash! Let him go!" I yelled. Probably not a good idea. He looked at me, grabbed Peter's head, and slammed into the locker. Peter grabbed his head and yelped. Trash muttered,
"Make me."
"Fine with me." I walked over and punched him in the jaw. He ran off yelling for someone... Who knows who. I got on my knees next to Peter.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Does it look like I'm okay?" He asked sarcastically. I tried to figure out a way to get him to the nurse.
"I could probably carry you." I said.
"I mean, your short enough." I continued to see a snarling Peter. I'm shorter than him though. He is only 5'8", mean while I'm 5'3". I put one arm under his legs, and my other under his head, I lifted him into my arms.

I was walking to the nurses office, which was all the way to the other side of the building. When ever someone was in my way I would just yell at them to move, in which case they would skitter away. The nurse made me get out, and eat lunch. I sat next to Ned, who was on his phone looking at star wars light sabers.
"I have one." I said.
"I mean, Its not real. Just plastic." He looked over to me and asked,
"Really? Want color? I have two. Blue and Green."
"Mines Red." He looked at me and his eyes lit up,
"We could have a light saber battle!" That actually sounds really fun.
"Okay, let me ask Peter. My house?" He shrugged then nodded.
"We can walk to your house after school." We agreed and headed to class.

I sat, being for as anything, listening to my teacher talk about the battle of 1812. Why do we need to learn about this stuff anyways, it already happened. I got out my notebook and started doodling. I wasnt really paying any attention to what I was drawing, but when I was finished, I saw it. It was Spiderman's logo. Darn it.
"Watcha drawing? Your boyfriend?" I turned my head to see Flash.

"Oh, shut up. You couldn't do any better with your dumb self. Heck, I I could slap you right now or what you did to Peter."
His smirk grew, and he grabbed my hand.
"Let go of me!" I shrieked, he held a tighter grip on me. I dug my nails into his wrist. He yelped and let go.
"Look what this, freak, did!" He held up his hand to see blood trickling down his wrist, in four places.
"Y/n, doubting that you did this, you still need to help. Please take Mr. Thompson to the nurses office." Great! He has to go see Peter! This day is getting better and better. Then again, I do really want to see Peter............... Now I'm being selfish.

I grabbed the collar of Flash's shirt, and dragged him to the nurses office. I bursted through the door to see Peter laying the bed. I shoved Flash to the nurse.
"What happened?" She asked looking at his wrist.
"The freak, scratched me." Flash blurted.
"Miss. Stark, office, now. I can't believe you would do such a thing.
"Me! Don't you see what he did to Peter!? You didn't even get my side of the story!" I yelled at her. She looked taken aback. I never really yelled...
She grabbed her phone and punched dome numbers.
"Yes, hello, Mr. Stark. Your daughter hurt another student, and had an outburst when confronted." I stomped my foot and yelled,
"Can I just talk to him!?" She glared at me.
"Thank you." She put the phone down and looked at me,
"You father will be here soon. Come to the front doors." And walked out.

"Gosh, Dammit, Flash. You better watch your back when I get back to school." I stomped on his foot and looked over to Peter.
"I'll see you after school. I hope you feel better." He nodded, and I walked out. I sat down on one of the very uncomfortable chair. A black car pulled up, and walked outside and got in the car. We didn't speak the entire ride. But, I knew when I got home there would be all the Avengers waiting for me, to give me a long speech about being responsible.

I walked in and everyone was staring at me.
"Before you start yelling at me, let me explain." Steve nodded, telling me to go ahead. Steve had always been my favorite.
"I was walking down a hall way, and Flash was smashing Peter into a locker, so I punched him to tell him to stop. Then he grabbed my hand, and wouldn't let go, so I dug my nails into his wrist, and I was forced to take him to the nurse. The nurse wouldn't let me talk, so I yelled that he had done it to Peter. So she called it a outburst. And now I'm here."

Everyone was staring at me, and Clint said,
"You yelled?" I guess I never really yelled much till now.
"Yes!!" Oops, I yelled again.
"Go to your room." Tony said.
"But, dad!" I debated.
"Now!" He yelled. I screamed and ran up to my room. I flopped on my bed and screamed into my pillow.

I gave up on reasoning with my self, and got on my Spidergirl suit, and jumped out the window. I passed Ned's house, Peters house, Town hall, I sat on one of the tall buildings, and let my feet swing off the edge.
"Beautiful up here isn't it." I turned around and saw Spidey. I sighed and gestured for him to sit next to me. He complied and put his arm around my shoulder, and whispered,
"That's the problem with being the geek." I laughed, and swung my feet, feeling the cold breeze against my legs, covered in my suit.
"I punched him." He said.
"Flash told me that you only did that because he wouldn't let go of your wrist. So I punched him, and walked home. I assumed you would be home after your dad yelled at you."
"Wow." I said. Then we heard a loud crash and we said in unison,
"The city needed us." And we took off.

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