
653 22 13

Night Edge

Waking to still darkness, dry-mouthed,
stumbling up for water and for gargle -
blackbird singing alone (in the thorn out there).
Now the long roar of an artic. tells me
we must be in the grey hour.

I peer at 'night' and though the West
is Prussian black, the East indeed,
offstage, in the wings, is prompting, infusing
the blackness with ghost tints
only distance-drivers* acknowledge,
and wakeful raiders, nose to glass like me.

As I fall back to sleep's ease I see
the bowl of night-edge, rounded there
with its black, its deepest blue, its whisper-grey,
lifted and placed on a shelf of memory,
by freckled hands I recognize as mine,

as if a moment  might be a crystal weight,
held up to the ear to hear again the sure
unpicker of darkness divesting night
form unseen boughs in looped eternity.


*thinking of the lorry driver, but aren't all long-shift workers distance drivers of the day?


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