𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛

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||Seven months later||


Facelift came out today. It's doing fairly well because they had put out a few singles. I couldn't go to the release party or anything like that, because my head had been in the toilet all night and morning. I was laying on the couch, in between dozing off and watching tv Jerry came home drunk. Not much of a surprise.

'Hey, are you feeling better?' he asks sitting on the couch taking off his jacket and shoes. 'yeah, some I've just been laying around waiting for you' I tell him, he picked up my legs and put them on top of his lap. 'Can you reach the blanket?' I ask, yawning he gets the blanket and I must've dozed off because I woke up in bed. 'Jer, did you carry me?' 'Yeah, why?' 'You're a little drunk that's all' I say, laughing a little 'So, I managed' he says, shrugging 'Are you excited to meet him?' I ask referring to the baby, we found out that's it a boy, and Jer couldn't be happier.

'I'm glad it's a boy so they can carry on the name' he told me the other day. 'Yeah, our little boy' Jerry puts his head on my stomach and the baby kicks him, and we both laughed 'I think it's gonna be a long night'


||Two months later||

'OK, one last push! You can do this!' My doctor instructed me I held onto Jerry's hand and pushed as hard as I could. After the push, a cry filled the room quickly. Jerry cut the chord and they handed him to me. We still hadn't officially decided on a middle name yet so, the nurse said she'd come back later. 'Hey, congratulations sis!' Sean, Layne, and Mike said as they came into the room with Balloons and a Teddy Bear.

'He looks like both you' Sean says looking at the baby 'Do you wanna hold him?' I ask as Sean visibly got nervous 'Um, Yeah I guess I mean I've never held a baby before' he says sitting beside the bed 'Here, just hold his head, and his bottom' I instruct him, giving him the baby. 'Wow, this isn't that hard' Sean, starts cooing at him a Nurse came in with a piece of paper. 'OK, I need to know Mother's last and First name and same for the father' she says ready to fill out the birth certificate 'My name is Lisa and my last name is Staley. It's spelled S-t-a-l-e-y' 'Alright, what's the father's first and last name' 'Jerry Cantrell' 'thank you, and do you have a name for the baby yet?' She asks Jerry and I look at each other mutually agreed on a name weeks before. 'His first name is Edward, and his Middle name is Layne L-a-y-n-e his last name is Cantrell' she filled out the paper and said she would give it to someone to fill out the birth certificate. 'I'm honored you would name him after me' Layne says hugging me and Jerry 'Thank you, well you are my brother' Layne and I hugged once again.

'So, is the Edward part from Eddie Van Halen?' Mike asks 'Of course it is! I've wanted to marry him since I was 12' I tell Mike after the guys had left and Ed had been taken to the nursery, Jerry was sleeping and I was thinking about how crazy our life is about to become.

I was flipping through channels when I got to MTV NEWS. The headline says Jerry Cantrell's girlfriend has a baby at Seattle hospital. 'Sources say that the parents and baby are doing fine. The baby is a boy he was born around 2:30 this afternoon. The bands' management team, with permission from Lisa and Jerry, has released the baby's name. His name is Edward Layne Cantrell. Congratulations.'

||Edward Layne Cantrell||

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