A New Oath Stands

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Who am I? Darkness invades my vision. My thoughts and memories come to me at once. I am standing atop a bloodied hill, staring at legions of gored men and women in glimmering once-silver armor, now coated in coagulated blood. 

The war of the four kingdoms, seventeen long years of bloody massacring. I have been here since the beginning, when it all started out as dinner confusion. The waiter stumbled out of the kitchen, oblivious to the incursion he set himself in. He was no older than eighteen and he already had a grizzled rusty knife through his back. He killed three of the eight King's and Queen's that sorrowful night. That's what set the war into motion, there would be no bloodshed after that until seven years later when High King Ulderich the Swift was assassinated.

My wife and my two daughters, laying at the church. Praying for me to come home, praying that I would come home the same man they once loved, but I've changed somehow. I regret coming to this cursed wasteland, my daughter will be nineteen this year, that's seventeen birthday's and countless days I haven't seen her or my wife. I miss them dearly and I never got to say goodbye. I'm sorry Charlotte, papa won't be coming home. I love you Serana, I'll be waiting for you in the halls of Valhalla my dearest love. I'm sorry I never said goodbye.

Gazing across the scarlet sea I catch wind of the undead rising, I guess it's not my problem anymore. My vision grows weaker and darker as the two suns set and the moon's rise. I catch a glimpse of the star's as I finally fall backwards into the remains of my old and long ago parted comrades. My body slips free of my soul, slowly drifting up into the stars to be claimed by the Valkyries and taken to the halls of Valhalla. I close my eyes and take a breath, I feel no remorse for what I've done, I feel gratitude that I was the one to liberate most of them from becoming a soulless monster mindlessly scouring the mountains of Oryos and to be bound by a necromancer seeking godhood.

I was a Paladin of Uller, God of Hunting and Winter. Now I am a spirit to be by his side to fight alongside him when Ragnarok comes. I died young, but I am honored to die a warriors death.

"You are my property now, you will be my new toy in coming events. A pawn can only rise if he get's to the enemies side. From here I will take you under my dark wing, be my Paladin. I will bare you a new body."

This voice sounds familiar somehow, but I can't remember.

"Seem's I must take matters into my own hands then."

Her figure comes into view, tall, wispy, thin, long midnight black hair, pale skin like snow, but her eyes were what shook me from my rising silence. Purple, the kind that seems to illuminate whenever light strikes them. Her's were struck by the moonlight, making it seem... No it did, her eyes shown with outstanding beauty. I stopped my rise to the hands of the Valkyries and admired her beauty, first her face, then her hour-glass figure, her bosoms then lastly the fleeting ivory skirt flowing behind her, pulled taut around her thighs. It's almost breath-taking as I drifted towards her, destroying my oath and connection to Uller with every foot drawn closer.

As I secure myself to her warm embrace, I feel the curtains drop and the doors close to me from Uller. My oath now broken, my bodiless spirit now is drawn to this lewd breath taking woman. I will be labeled as an Oath-Breaker Paladin, forever condemned to eternal hatred and darkness in the dark endless pits of The Abyss.

"Bind yourself to me, Atrell. I can make your soul a new body, a new oath. Bind yourself to the will that is Hel."

So that's who she is, Hel the Goddess of the Underworld and Death. Her mystifying figure and her words linger for a while longer before vanishing completely.

"Pray to me, call to me and I will answer. You will have a new life, a new adventure. Whatever you want will be yours."

As I drift there, my mind tears through madness but my heart feels longing. Has Hel really just ripped away my oath to Uller? Has my spirit reached insanity though years of bloodshed? Has Valhalla and the Valkyries really close their hearts to me? So I pray, I cry, and I call out to Hel. In moments my bodiless soul is in the embrace of my new Goddess.

"My child, do. you pledge yourself to me? As my Paladin, as my warrior?"

"Yes my lady, my sword shall only be drawn in your name. My armor will bare the scars from your enemies. My soul will feed upon the blood of the unholy."

"Then, in my name. I grant you a new life of service. In return you will be made a new body, and a new oath shall be bestowed upon your soul."

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