Ivy and the Party

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"Mom! Come on we're gonna be late!" I yelled after waiting for fifteen minutes.

"I'm coming sweety!!" Mom said running down the stairs.

We quickly got in the car and started driving north toward Lakewood High School. We are going to a college presentation and I don't want to be late at all costs because this could be the school I want to go to and I don't want to miss any information about it.

It's about a ten minute drive from our house, but luckily we made it right on time and walked in as soon as they were about to start. I looked around and saw several people that I go to school with and there was a lot more people at the presentation that I thought that there would be.

Looking around, we finally found two seats next to each other and we hurried up and sat down.

"Are you excited?" Mom whispered in my ear.

"Very," I whispered back.


After the presentation, everyone cleared out of the auditorium and headed back to their cars.

Me and mom got in the car and started driving back home.

After a little bit of time listening to music, mom urged me to take out my headphones to talk.

I took one of the headphones out and looked at her signaling her to go ahead and speak.

"So..what did you think about the presentation, honey?"

"I liked everything I heard about it, I just don't know if it's the school for me. I'll have to do a tour of it to get the full experience or go to a summer camp to know if I will like it for sure."

"I'm sure that we can get you a tour date. I know that you have always dreamed of going to this school. I'm positive that after the tour or if you decide to go to their summer camp that you will absolutely love it."

After our short conversation, we arrived at home.

I gathered up all of the college pamphlets and papers and walked inside the house.


Later that day, my friend Lily texted me talking about a dumb party that's going on tonight. Totally not my scene.

"Come on let's go! I don't really want to go that much anyways, but we have to go to at least one party before we graduate! If it completely sucks then we can leave early," Lily said hopeful.

"Alright I guess," I said unsure about how the night is going to unfold.


Lily comes over and we start getting ready for the party.

"Should I wear this or this?" she said holding up two different outfits.

"I think you should wear the blue. It suites you."

I walk over to my closet looking at every piece of clothing I own and can't find anything. I look a little farther back in the closet and pull out a cute black lace crop top.

"OMG that is perfect for you!!" Lily yelled from across the room as she was doing her makeup.

"You think so? I don't know about it. I have never worn a lacey crop before."

Surprisingly I start to get excited and I run to the bathroom to change. I put on the black lace crop top and some light wash ripped skinny jeans paired with some converse.

I quickly curl my long brown hair and let it fall all the way down my back.

When I open the door the first thing I see is Lily's mouth drop open.

"You look totally hot," she said with her mouth still wide open.

"Really?" I said happily.

We walked back into my room and I started putting on some makeup while Lily was finishing hers.

After both of our makeup was finished we grabbed our keys and phones and ran out the door.

We jumped in the car and started heading toward the party.

At first, we weren't sure if we would find the right house on the road, but as soon as we turned down the street you could see lights and music blasting.

We ended up having to park on the side of the road because there were so many people and there was no room in the drive way.

After getting out of the car, we stopped and looked at the house and it was ginormous and stunning.

"Well, here goes nothing," Lily said not knowing that I was a little nervous.

We walked in the house and it was packed with people from school and people that I have never seen before.

"I'm going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything?" Lily asked.


I walked outside where not many people were and sat on a bench. I'm not your typical party girl, so I don't really know what to do at these sort of things.

Across the backyard I make eye contact with a gorgeous boy. He has shaggy brown hair and deep brown eyes.

He looks at me for a few seconds longer and strikes a smile so breathtaking that even models would be jealous.

I break the gaze and just look down at my feet and around the backyard.

Lily brings me my drink and a couple snacks and then says that she has met a couple people and so she asks if I'm okay here. I tell her yes and she walks back inside.

The mysterious guy I made eye contact with walks over to me and sits down.

"Enjoying the party?" he says with a smile.

"I'm not much of a party girl," I say with a nervous giggle.

"Oh, I see," he said looking away for a moment and then back at me.

"I'm Arlo Johnson. You?"

"Ivy Peterson."

"What school do you go to Ivy?"

"Lakewood High. What about you?"

"Actually I'm touring there Monday. It's my new school."

"Really? Maybe I'll see you around then," I say with a hopeful smile.

"Hopefully," he says with a wink and smile.

"I'll see you around, Ivy," he says getting up, smiling, and then he walks back toward his friends.

Why would someone like him talk to me? When he finds out I'm a total nerd at school will he still talk to me?

I guess he and we will find out soon enough.


Hey guys!! What do you all think? Will Arlo still associate with Ivy after he finds out that she's not popular? Or will he overlook the unpopularity?



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