Ivy and no Arlo

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I think I need a break from Arlo..I haven't known him long at all and things are moving at too fast of a pace. Maybe it will be the best thing for us. He's too good for me anyways.

I continue walking home from school and shortly I walk through the door.

"Hey how was school?" Mom says from the kitchen.

"It was alright," I lie.

I run up the stairs to my room and shut the door behind me.

I lay on my bed just thinking of how today went and it makes me sick. How can people be so cruel? Do they not have anything else better to do other than to destroy other peoples lives?

I keep replaying everything that happened over and over again. I just can't get it out of my head. The thing that hurts the most was the look on Arlo's face. That image in my mind will never go away. It was a look of shock, but mostly sadness.

Is he really sad about us? We haven't really known each other long.. I'm upset, but Arlo is just so much better than me and he deserves better. Everyone else thinks so too. If it is that obvious to everyone else then he definitely deserves better because I'm not the only one who thinks so.

I text Lily and tell her about everything that happened in the hall way.

She has been texting me since school was over freaking out because I ran out the door so quickly and she didn't know what was wrong.

"OMG really? Are you okay, Ivy? Do you want me to come over and have a girls night?"

"That would be great Lily," I say barely able to read the screen because I'm starting to tear up.

Why are people such jerks?


"Hi, Lily, glad to see you come over. How are you?" I hear Mom say from downstairs.

I run down the stairs and grab Lily. I tell Mom we have a homework assignment to work on and that she is staying the night.

We get upstairs to my room and I notice that Lily is carrying a grocery bag full of snacks and movies.

"YOU'RE THE BESTEST FRIEND EVER AND I DON'T THINK THAT BESTEST IS A WORD," I say giving her a bear hug and then jumping on the bed with the snacks and movies.

We sort through the movies and we come to the conclusion that "10 Things I Hate About You" is the best movie ever, so we put it in the DVD player and snack away.

Once the movie is over, we lay in bed and talk about boys and drama for what seems like forever and then we fall asleep.


The next morning I wake up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. One hundred percent the best way to wake up.

I wake up Lily and then we go downstairs to the kitchen.

Mom is dancing in her robe and listening to music while she is cooking.

Me and Lily just stand there amused at what the heck she is doing. She turns around and sees us standing there about to fall over laughing.

"Ha ha so funny you guys," she says cracking a smile.

Lily is on the floor rolling in laughter.

When me and Lily finally pull ourselves together, we grab a plate of food and begin eating.

"This is amazing, Mom. Thank you," I say while stuffing my face.

"Yeah, it's great Mrs. Peterson, thanks," Lily says while stuffing her face as well.

"I'm glad you girls like it. Now hurry up and eat and then go get ready for school or you're going to be late."

Oh God. School. Arlo. Someone take me out of this miserable world ahhhh.

We eat as fast as possible and then we go get ready for school.

"Bye Mom, love ya!" I yell while running out the door.

"Bye Mrs. Peterson!"

"Bye girls. Be careful!"

We get in my car and I sit there for a moment before starting the car.

"Are you okay?" Lily asks concerned.

"What am I going to do, Lily? I have first period with him. Can I sit with you?"

"Of course you can, but Ivy you're going to have to talk to him at some point. You can't act like nothing happened yesterday."

"You're right," I say as I start the car and back out of the drive way.


How do you guys think everything is going to go with Arlo??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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