Chapter 5

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As I close my eyes to calm myself before we lift off, I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. "What?!" I say I little louder than I was meaning to.

I open my eyes and see a boy (probably around McKenzie's age) sitting in the lane beside me, staring at me, looking a little shocked.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else!" I say, referring to McKenzie. A little embarrassed, I give him a sympathetic smile.

"That's okay. Here, you dropped this." He smiles as he hands me the book I purchased at the airport.

"Oh, thanks." I smile again. How did I not realize i dropped that?
I turn back to face the seat in front of me as I feel my face start to heat up.

Why does this always happen whenever guys talk to me?! I think to myself. Why am I so embarrassed, nothing even happened! This is probably why I've never had a boyfriend.

I turn to look at the boy but he's staring back at me. I snap my head back in shock and hear him laugh.

"What's your name?" Is he talking to me? I glance at him to make sure. And see him still looking at me. Yep defenatly talking to me.

"Oh, um Sky... well Skylah, but um, most people just call me Sky." I practically stutter. Why can't I speak like a normal person? "Really? My sister's name is Skye, she's 3." See, he speaks normally.

"Aw cute, I wish I had a sister! Well I do have a sister but she's a year older than me so she's not as cute as a little sister, obviously-" I stop mid sentence, realizing I'm rambling.

"Sorry, I was talking way too fast!" My face starts to heat up again. Why?!

He just laughs, so I just laugh awkwardly.
"I'm Alex." He says. "Well it's nice to meet you Alex." I say smiling.

"So where are you going?" He asks, carrying on the conversation.

"Me and my friend, McKenzie (it's just easier to call her my best friend) are travelling to a few places around Europe, we're going to Paris first." I say getting excited all over again.

"Wow, really? I'm going to Germany to stay with my grandparents for a couple of weeks, in Frankfurt." He doesn't seem very happy about that.

"Wait, Germany is in Europe, right?" I immediately realise what I just said. Oh my gosh, I am an actual fruit loop! Of course it's in Europe!

"Yeah, it's near France." He says laughing. "Oh right." I laugh, face burning once again. "I just had a mind blank!"

"Passangers, please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for take off." Finally, now I can't embarrass myself any longer, well I'll probably find a way!

After I put on my seatbelt, I look over to see if McKenzie is okay and see her wiggling her eyebrows at me. Oh god, she's gonna tease me about Alex for the whole trip!

I give her the evils as she giggles and goes back to her movie. How can she be so chill about going 40,000 feet up in the air? I look at Alex, who looks like he's  watching a movie as well.

Everything's going to be fine, nothing will happen. I tell myself over and over again until I fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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