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Kenma and Tetsurou played croquet for at least 3 hours before Kenma decided to go home, but Tetsurou joined him. Tetsurou walked in without knocking.

"Mrs. Kozume! I hope you don't mind that I stole Kenma last night. We stayed at a hotel" He called out and Kenma's mother came bouncing out of the kitchen.

"No worries! Is Kenma getting along with Naomi?" she asked. Kenma quietly slipped past his mother and upstairs to his room.

"Naomi wasn't with us" Tetsurou walked up the stairs and into the room he assumed was Kenma's. He was correct, Kenma stood by the window, leaning out of it a bit.

"Kitten, what are you doing?" Tetsurou asked. Kenma just backed away from the window and collapsed onto the bed. Tetsurou sat down next to where Kenma's head lay. Kenma's eyes were closed and the room was silent, until Tetsurou noticed the almost nonexistent snores escaping Kenma's mouth. He smirked and lifted Kenma up so he could move his head to the pillows. He gently set Kenma back down and pulled the blankets over the small boy. Tetsurou left and walked downstairs, but bumped into Kenma's mother.

"Oh, sorry Mrs. Kozume. I'll be leaving now, have a wonderful day" Tetsurou tried to walked past her but she stopped him.

"Ah, Tetsurou-kun. Do you happen to know why Kenma's been so angry recently? He yelled at me last night" Kenma's mother looked desperate for answers. 

"He doesn't want to marry Naomi" Tetsurou said in a monotone voice. 

"Why not? She's a wonderful girl, and has such an amazing family! Your family is so polite and also quite wealthy, both of them would be set for life if they married each other"

"You're supposed to marry someone you love" Tetsurou tried to get past again, but was stopped again.

"He can learn to love her!" Kenma's mother was indeed desperate. 

"That's not how love works. You can't choose who you love, it just happens. Sure he may get romantic feelings for Naomi, but it won't be his choice" Tetsurou crossed his arms again.

"What is there to not love about Naomi? She's gorgeous, and she's such a sweet girl" 

"She's human, she's not perfect"

"I'm starting to think Kenma doesn't like girls... he never liked talking to girls and hasn't ever had a girlfriend before" 

"And so what? Would you love him any less?" this shut up Kenma's mother. Tetsurou walked past and left the house.

* * *

When Kenma woke up tucked in bed and a small note on his pillow, he was quite confused, and he thought it was from his mother, but the messy handwriting said otherwise. There was a phone number and a winky face scrawled on the paper in red pen. Kenma messaged the number. 

To: Unknown
Who is this?
From: Unknown
Tetsurou ;)
To: Tetsurou Kuroo
Oh, okay. I just made you a contact.
From: Tetsurou Kuroo
Sweet, I made you one as well ;)

Kenma tossed his phone on his bed and got up. He looked out of his window to see it was raining. Kenma loved rain. He didn't care what he looked like, he quietly went down the stairs and out the front door. The community he was in was quiet, so there weren't many cars. He stepped into the middle of the road and danced around in the rain. He spun around with his arms stretched out. Kenma stopped as he saw the familiar black car driving down the road. Kenma walked back over to the sidewalk and crossed his arms, his soaked sweater clinging to his small frame. The car pulled over and out stepped Naomi. Nobody else got out.

"Hi Naomi. Where's Tetsurou? Your parents?" Kenma asked and brushed the wet strands of hair off his face. Naomi pouted and put her hands on her hips.

"Kenma-san! Why do they need to be here?" She whined.

"I was just wondering. Let's go inside, so you don't get sick" Kenma didn't want to go inside, and he didn't want to be with Naomi. Naomi happily skipped up to the front door and Kenma slowly walked behind her. She stopped and waited. 

"You don't need to wait, go on in" Naomi didn't move. Kenma sighed and picked up his pace and opened the door. Naomi grinned from ear to ear and walked in. Kenma's mother peeked her head out from the kitchen.

"Kenma Kozume you get changed this instant! You better not drag all of that water upstairs!" 

"Well where do you want me to change?" Kenma sighed.

"Right here" Kenma's mother smiled.

"Okay. Naomi, can you go up to my room and get me some shorts and a plain shirt? It's the first room on the left" Kenma looked over to his future wife. She nodded, her black curly hair falling into her face. She dashed up the stairs. Kenma got a little worried when she didn't return after 10 minutes. 

"Um. Naomi?" Kenma called up the stairs "Everything okay?"

"Yes! I just couldn't find your sweatpants. I got them now!" Naomi appeared at the top of the stairs with some neatly folded clothing in her arms. Naomi had a smile on her face, but it seemed forced. Kenma looked into her eyes as she got closer and knew something was up.

"Um.. Are you okay?" he asked and took the clothes from Naomi. Naomi just nodded and walked into the kitchen to give Kenma privacy. He quickly changed and walked into the kitchen as well. Naomi and his mother stood by the stove. Naomi was checking something on the burners and Kenma's mother was looking into the oven.

"What are you making?" he asked. Nobody replied. He sighed and walked out, and upstairs to his room. Kenma grabbed his phone to see no notifications, but when he unlocked it, it was open to his messages. His messages from Kuroo. They weren't the ones Kenma read earlier, they were new ones he hadn't seen yet. Naomi must've read them.

From: Tetsurou Kuroo
Just wanted to let you know your mother is worried about you. She asked me why you had been upset recently. I told her it was because of the marriage. She wants you to "learn to love Naomi". I think she thinks you're gay.
From: Tetsurou Kuroo
I told her that you can't learn to love someone. If you love someone, you love them. She can't force you to like Naomi. And I know you're not fond of Naomi, but I didn't mention that. Your mom says she thinks you don't like girls. I just asked if she would love you any less. She didn't respond to that. I'm sorry if you didn't want me to say anything to her.
From: Tetsurou Kuroo
Your mother pisses me off.
To: Tetsurou Kuroo
Naomi's at my place right now. I think she looked through those messages. She won't talk to me. My mother won't either. 

Kenma bit his lip and felt his eyes fill with tears. He locked his bedroom door and sat in front of it, his knees pulled to his chest. He heard his phone go off and he reached for it, feeling around the floor. He found it and looked at the screen.

From: Tetsurou Kuroo
Shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Do you want me to come over?
To: Tetsurou Kuroo

Croquet and Caskets {KuroKen}Where stories live. Discover now