And so it begins

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In this chapter the italics are a letter.

After dinner Dick ran to the Batcave to get ready for pattrol. Bruce just chuckled and followed. By the time Bruce got down to the cave Dick was already in uniform and was checking the contents of his belt like his mentor had taught him to do. Bruce took only a minuet to transfrorm into the thing that mafe the criminal sucm pee their pants. "Ready?" Batman asked. Robin simply nodded and the Dynamic Duo hopped in the Batmobile. They had been on pattrol for a few hours when the Batsignal lit up the sky. With out a word Batman and Robin were off to meet the Commissioner. When they got to the roof Batman asked "What is it Commissioner?" The older mad did not even move and that made Robin feel like somethig was wrong. He went up to the older man and called to Batman "Batman, this is just a a mannequin with a smile painted on." Batman walked over to Robin and saw that he was correct. Batman noticed that there was a note on the mannequin. Batman picked up the note and read the note.

                Dear Batsy and Birdbarain,                                                                                                

                 We havent seen eachoteher in a while so I thought we shouled have a little get together. If you want to see the Commissioner alive figure out where I am and come at midnight. We'll make a deal for the Commissioner's life.

                         Your's truly

                             Uncle J.

"The Joker has taken the Commissioner." Batman said passing the note to Robin. Robin took a moment to read over the note. "I wonder what he wants." Robin said turing over the note. On the back was a feather, a Robin's feather. Batman saw Robin looking at the back of the note and asked "What is it?" figuring there was somethig on the back. For an answer Robin held p the feather and said. "It's me. He wants me in exchange for the Commissioner."

To find RobinWhere stories live. Discover now