Chapter 7

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Being dragged into a bar by a guy who is delusional is never much fun.

I talk from experience, since this Niklaus guy is yanking at my arm to pull me through the double doors of a place called The Mystic Grill. Bidding farewell to his beautiful camero I stumbled through the entrance.

No one seemed shocked to see a teenage girl who was a stranger to them stumble through the doors though. Maybe the entire town was delusional, well I had experienced my fair share of a delusional towns, so I should cut this one a break.

Klaus scouted the room with his eyes, seemingly searching for someone.

"Aha!" turning to me with a seductive smirk on his face he quirked his eyebrow, "let's see how good of an actress you are to your own friends, Caroline!"

Once again Klaus began to drag me by the arm through a throng of towns people, mutters of "Mrs Forbes didn't raise her daughter to be like this!" and "Caroline, you stepped on my foot!" were heard as I maneuvered my way though the crowd with Niklaus still attached to my arm.

I think the whole town is suffering from the crazy disease.

Finally out of the crowd of people who had gathered around the front house and bar area, Niklaus pulled me onward and stopped in front of a table.

Taking my chance to breathe and relax again, I sighed and leaned up against an empty table that was behind me - which led me to realise that my back pack was still in the car.

In urgency I turned to Niklaus, "Can you deal with your ridiculous delusion quicker? I've got some things I need to do." being as stern as I could, I crossed my arms and thought of finding my brother to increase the look of determination on my face.

Niklaus only chuckled at me in that annoyingly hot English accent of his, while he mirrored my crossed arms and leaned against the booth chair he was in front of, "Love, I'm surprised at how good you are at lying, If I wasn't able to see you with my own eyes I would probably believe your persistence. But I haven't know you for that long, what do you guys think?"

He looked down, to the booth he was leaning up against, comically inquisitive. "Elena, Bonnie, care to cast your opinions?"

Giving this crazy dude the best death glare I could, I scrunched my forehead and gave a curt sigh of irritation. Feeling as if I should give up on the Niklaus, I looked down to 'Elena' and 'Bonnie' who he had addressed.

However, I did not get the confused looks I expected. These girls looked at me as if they were scared for my safety, and Niklaus as if they were scared for everyones safety in the bar.

The brunette with olive coloured skin stared at Niklaus pleadingly, "You don't have to hurt her, Klaus. I've agreed to all of your terms, you've made your hybrids. Don't kill more of the people I love." she looked as if she was in agony, so I stepped over to sit next to her and the black haired girl, since it seemed that it was in my nature to keep trying to save people.

Niklaus or Klaus as she called him chose this moment to butt in, "See! I knew you couldn't resist comforting your friends, Caroline." chuckling to himself in victory, "No matter what game you chose to play with me, I will always win, Love."

He walked away to the bar, greeting another guy there who looked suddenly serious at Klaus' arrival.

Choosing not to rise to this maniacs victory rant, I turned to the girls sat with me in the booth, smiling in friendly introduction I spoke "Hi, I'm really sorry about him, is he the town drunk or something? I expect his ranting just interrupted your afternoon, sorry again. Well, my name's Olivia Blake," holding out my hand to the brunette who sat next to me "I just arrived in Mystic Falls." with my hand still hanging in the air I lowered it back to my lap.

"She's telling the truth, she's really not Caroline, Elena." Bonnie poked, the brunette better known as, Elena in the side while staring at me mystified.

"Of course, it's Caroline, look at her. We've known her since we were like 4 years old." Elena looked to me shaking her head at Bonnie in familiar camaraderie, "I think someone's given her crazy Witch pills again." laughing she looked at both me and Bonnie.

Standing up awkwardly at the Witch comment, "I'm sorry, girls, but I really don't know who this Caroline person is and I really should get going.."

I started to walk to the exit, hoping to avoid Niklaus on the way out.

"Wait, wait, Caroline! Caroline," the person pursuing me took a laboured breath, "... Olivia?"

Turning around to the sound of my correct name, Bonnie was stood in front of me, "Look, I believe you." putting her palm to my forearm I felt it, the familiar sprinkle of power that came with coming into contact with a Witch.

She looked knowingly at me and muttered, "I know you are a Witch and I know you can feel that I am too." she smiled slightly as did I, Witches are all sisters in nature.

Nodding at her, I asked the question I had been waiting to ask since I came into contact with Niklaus, "Why do I look like your friend?"

Bonnie only replied shaking her head, "I don't know, "

I felt Elena move closer to us having heard our conversation, they looked to each other in confirmation with Elena finishing Bonnie's thought ", but we'll help you find out, I'm thinking Caroline will be a little curious about this too."

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